
今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-英国代写论文:香港众筹可行性研究。本文讲述的是众筹活动围绕着众筹平台的运作展开,众筹平台所采用的模式各具特色。根据募资者对出资人资金支持的不同考虑方式,众筹主要有捐赠、奖励、预售、借贷和股权五种模式(Li et al., 2016)。此外,捐赠、奖励和购买前的模型可以被视为以非财务回报为特征的一个大类(“非财务回报模型”),而贷款和股权是另一个以财务回报为特征的大类20(“财务回报模型”)。在香港,自2012年9月以来,已有多个基于网络的众筹门户网站成立(Belleflamme et al., 2014)。截至目前,已有14家众筹网站在这个全球大都市运营或继续运营。在10种有经济回报的模式中,4种已经停止运营,另外4种选择限制公共资金,这与众筹的初衷是不一致的。相比之下,四个采用非财务回报模式的平台仍在运行,并保留了公共资金的特征。如需要完整内容的英国代写论文范文资料,请联系我们的客服。


在P2P模式中,资金筹集者是个人借款人,因此基本上不受任何金融监管。在P2B模式中,如果按照第38(3)条的规定,英国代写论文贷款协议构成了债券,则筹资人可能受制于招股说明书制度,这为股权模式和借贷模式的重叠提供了证据。在各自的情况下,模型的复杂性似乎对筹资人的地位没有影响。在简单模型中,平台作为管道的角色可能会阻止它们被视为在进行SFO附表5第1部分规定的大部分“受管制活动”(Novielli et al., 2014)。然而,Type 10“提供信用评级服务”可能是个例外,英国代写论文因为它们通常提供有关借款人提交的贷款申请的评估服务,以吸引潜在的贡献者。

In the complicated model, if the borrowers are directly provided by the platforms with loan, they will be managed by the regime of money lending established by the Money Lenders Ordinance (‘MLO’), seeing that the frequency and the degree of this type must satisfy the content of ‘ business of money lending’ MLO’s under section 英国代写论文2. Accordingly, they should request for a business license before starting this type of business. Relatively, there actions might not be observed as business of banking under the ordinance of banking along with the conclusion that the there is no need for platforms to apply for the license of banking from the Hong Kong’s Monetary Authority. In the another side, transmission of interest under the agreement of original loan, which is among an outsider and fundraisers, to the contributors from the platforms might contain issuance of notes of credit linked, because the earning on the contributors investment in this complicated transaction occurs basically contingent on the underlying loan’s performance. Crowdfunding activities revolve around the operation of crowdfunding platforms, all of which are featured with the models it adopts. There are five main models of crowdfunding, i.e. donation, reward, pre-purchase, lending and equity, according to the different sorts of consideration fundraisers offer for the financial support of contributors (Li et al., 2016). Furthermore, donation, reward and pre-purchase models could be英国代写论文 treated as one broad category characterized with non-financial return (‘Non-financial Return Models’), while lending and equity as the other broad category characterized with financial return20 (‘Financial Return Models’). In Hong Kong, several web-based crowdfunding portals have been founded since September 2012 (Belleflamme et al., 2014). Until now, fourteen crowdfunding sites operated or continue to operate in this global metropolis. Among ten adopting models with financial return, four have ceased to operate while another four choose to restrict public funding, which is inconsistent with the original idea of crowdfunding. By contrast, the four platforms adopting models with non-financial return remain in operation and preserve the feature of public funding.