

英国代写论文专家对智能生活的分析。智能生活是利用信息和通信技术提高人类生活质量。智能技术被定义为新一代集成的ICT硬件、软件和网络技术,它为ICT系统提供真实世界的实时信息和先进的分析,以帮助人们决策的智能选择(Chen, 2012)。利用资讯及通讯科技来更新和革新现有的服务和系统已成为一种新方法。它使个体能够克服出现的生活挑战,提高人类生活质量(Chen, 2012;哈立德,2016)。信息和通信技术与人类需求的结合导致了智能生活的出现,它的步伐加快,使信息和通信技术支持的智能生活应用程序易于形成。应用程序的特点是提供公共服务的速度和准确性。接下来英国代写论文专家对智能生活的分析如下。

智能生活应用的一个例子是,配备蓝牙技术的住宅,在远程控制家里的空调、照明、供暖等方面提供方便和舒适(Yan & Shi, 2013)。在教育方面,智能生活提供了连接。即使学生在不同的地点上课,他们的活动是同步的(Shi et al., 2003)。由于云计算和物联网,交通设施得到了改善,智能交通系统的发展提高了交通运输的安全和效率(Guerrero-Ibanez, Zeadally & Contreras-Castillo, 2015)。同样,环境问题也可以通过信息通信技术来解决。信息通信技术有助于更深层次地理解如何将可持续性引入企业和家庭(Fang et al., 2014)。医疗保健设计了用于进行心电图测量的自动化监测系统,并且通过使用体表电极进行更简单的测量(Tamura et al., 2007)。简而言之,智能生活的概念已经被广泛应用于支持人类的各种需求。

从局部的角度来看,选择集成,智能生活,它会导致ICT的建设使城市。陈和张(2009)和浅色,圣诞老人,Bleda, Maestre, hara和Skarmeta(2013)在描述智能生活和智能城市认为应用ICT基础设施和服务的关键部件是与人类生活质量的提高创造了更多的互动,有效的智能城市访问。智能生活被认为是利用信息和通信技术工具的强化生活的概念,而智能城市则是所有这些强化生活工具和后果的体现。信息通信技术在与所有文化服务、公共服务和安全相关的行动中得以实现,其目的都是为了提高人们的生活质量(Lee et al., 2011)。

Some instance of smart living applications is that of housing equipped with Bluetooth technology to provide convenience and comfort in terms of controlling air conditioner, lighting and heating at home remotely (Yan & Shi, 2013). In terms of education, smart living offers connectedness. Even though students attend classes in different locations their activities are synchronized (Shi et al., 2003). Transportation facilities have been improved because of cloud computing and Internet of Things which have resulted in the development of smart transportation system for improving the safety and efficiency of transportation (Guerrero-Ibanez, Zeadally & Contreras-Castillo, 2015). Similarly, environmental issues are addressed with ICTs. ICTs facilitate the deeper understanding how sustainability can be introduced in businesses and houses (Fang et al., 2014). Healthcare is designed with automated monitoring system for taking electrocardiogram measurements and easier measurements are done by the use of body surface electrodes (Tamura et al., 2007). In short, the concept of smart living has been widely applied to support varied human needs.

From a local perspective, where smart living options are integrated, it leads to the construction of ICT enabled cities. Chen and Chang (2009) and Pellicer, Santa, Bleda, Maestre, Jara and Skarmeta (2013) in describing smart living and smart cities argue that applying ICT into the critical components of infrastructure and services which are related to the improvement of human life quality has created more interactive, accessible and effective smart cities. Where smart living is considered as the concept of enhanced living with ICT tools, smart cities is an embodiment of all these enhanced living tools and consequences. ICT is enabled in actions associated with all cultural services, public services and safeties whose objectives are all for enhancing the quality of people’s life (Lee et al., 2011).











