
皮亞傑學習在案例研究中註意到的另一個主要方面是分類(Gray, 1994)。分類是孩子理解不同類別,通過理解這些類別解決實際問題和動手問題的能力。分類將根據具體的維度進行。這裡更具體的功能是對類別中的子組進行排序。現在根據案例研究,學生們正在研究種子。學生去尋找種子類型,這是分類學習的一種形式。除了分類,他們還學習了不同種類的種子是如何分散的。因此,學生似乎已經考慮了基於Ann的分類指令的多維度。序列化的認知操作包括按照可量化的維度(如身高或體重)在腦海中安排項目的能力。學生也在此情境中發展序列化的認知運作。序列化是子元素根據特定的維度來標識項的過程。學生研究降雨對螞蟻及其洞穴的不同影響;在這裡,他們研究了降雨量對螞蟻洞穴的影響。
皮亞傑理論的一個批評是,該理論可能不支持多種文化。不同文化背景的學生在教育和發展方面可能會有不同的增長率(Dasen, 1994)。研究表明,保護水資源的能力在土著兒童中來得更晚。研究對象為8-14歲的土著兒童(Dasen, 1994)。同樣,還有其他空間意識也可能以不同的方式發展。安似乎沒有考慮到需要一種適合所有孩子的差異化教學。皮亞傑的理論本身是建立在日內瓦學生的基礎上的,日內瓦是西方文化的土地。這裡的學生學習的方式不同,他們的思維方式也不同,因此沒有考慮到孩子基於這些因素可能產生的認知反應。 Gray(1994)等研究人員的測試似乎表明皮亞傑的正式和具體操作時期實際上取決於皮亞傑所考慮的西方學校。


Another main aspect of the Piaget learning which is noticed in the case study is that of classification (Gray, 1994). Classification is the capability of the child to understand different categories and to solve practical and hands on problems by the understanding of these categories. The categorization would be done based on specific dimensions. A more specific ability here is to order subgroups within the categories. Now according to the case study, students are studying seeds. Students go and find seed types, which is a form of categorization learning. In addition to categorization, they also learn how different seed types disperse. Hence the student seems to have considered multiple dimensions based on Ann’s instructions to categorize. The cognitive operation of seriation involves the ability to mentally arrange items along a quantifiable dimension, such as height or weight. Students also develop the cognitive operation of seriation in this context. Seriation is where the children lead to identify items by specific dimensions. Students study different rainfall impacts on ants and their burrows; here they study the quantity of rain for its impact on the ant burrows.
A critique in the case of the Piaget theory is that the theory might not support multiple cultures. Students from different cultures might have different growth rate when it comes to education and development (Dasen, 1994). Research studies show that the ability to conserve water came much later in the case of aboriginal children. The study was conducted with 8-14-year-old aboriginal children (Dasen, 1994). Similarly, there are other spatial awareness that could also develop differently. Ann seems to not have considered the need for a differentiated instruction that would suit all children. Piaget’s theory itself was developed based on students in Geneva which is a Western cultural land. How the students study here is different and so are their forms of thinking, and hence the cognitive reaction that the child could have based on these elements has not been considered. Tests by researchers such as Gray (1994) seem to indicate that Piaget’s formal and concrete operational periods are in fact dependent on the western schools that Piaget considered.