




在确定空缺职位之前,首先要做的是分析是否真的需要某个职位。在很多情况下,公司会根据自动替换来雇佣员工。英国代写当另一个人离开公司时,他们会立即雇佣一个员工。这并不是真正需要的。公司应该分析该职位是否需要填补或重组以满足外部需求。应该对工作设计和职能进行持续的评估。雇佣合适的候选人是很重要的。这些新招聘的候选人应该满足外部对公司的要求。工作规范和个人规范是公司在招聘工作人员时需要考虑的两个因素(Shields et al., 2015)。因此,英国代写公司应该专注于招聘合适的人选。这个帖子应该在各个门户网站上登广告。从人才库中,应该聘用技术知识和航空业务知识相结合的人。这个人还应该反映出公司的文化。从实际的角度来看,这是可行的。在决定创造一个空缺职位之前,公司应该分析和评估职位的要求。这可以防止业务冗余,提高公司绩效。一旦被雇佣,公司需要确保员工敬业度,防止员工流失,提高生产力。

The limitation with this approach is that the organizations can bring about incremental changes to the function of the company. Also there is no clear distinctions between the management and leadership of the company. This causes issues in implementation. There is also very less policy in place to deal with unpredictability 英国代写situation. The airline industry is a highly volatile industry. This does not address some of the key issues. It also focusses on the micro level changes of the company and sometimes does not address the macro level changes that is needed .

Owing to this the company should understand that the ADKAR model has its issues but it is relevant to bring a gradual change and prepare the employees for future change management. It is a more inclusive policy. Hence there should be development of a unique working model that would work for the individual teams in 英国代写Qantas while it maintains the overall paradigm of the ADKAR model.