


Bifluco et al(2006)分析如何一种缺乏护理在童年的早期依恋会影响儿童依恋风格和也会影响他们如何看待新兴成年年的关系。研究人员进行这一实验的理由是,童年依恋是重要的指标。本研究的目的是确定作为成年人的不安全依恋是如何受到儿童时期不良依恋经历的影响的。该研究的参与者是高风险社区妇女。风险识别是针对焦虑症,如广泛性焦虑症、社交恐惧症、广场恐惧症和重度抑郁症。在1990-1995年和1995-1999年对这些妇女进行了研究。这些女性被要求完成一次采访。使用的形式是童年的护理和虐待经历(CECA)和依恋风格访谈(ASI)。在第二次和随访访谈中,进行了结构化的临床访谈。研究结果显示,近55%的女性在生活中存在不安全的人际关系模式,童年不幸和依恋的部分中介影响会影响她们目前恐惧和轻视的人际关系模式。
研究得出的结论是,儿童依恋问题会导致人际关系中的功能失调,而这种对中介变量的理解有助于解决参与者的问题。由于学生没有考虑到参与者的背景、经济地位以及他们之间的关系,研究受到了限制。Waldinger等人(2006)的《从童年创伤到成年躯体化的映射之路:依恋的作用》(Mapping the road from childhood trauma to adult som: the role of attachment)。研究的目的是了解童年时期不安全的依恋是如何导致成人因童年创伤而产生问题的。建立了成人躯体化量表。被选择的参与者是情侣。101对夫妇被选中。这些夫妇被要求填写一份自我报告。他们完成了儿童创伤问卷CTQ,一个冲突策略量表第2版,也被称为CTS2,躯体症状量表,或躯体化量表SSI以及关系问卷和抑郁量表。


Bifluco et al (2006) analyse how a sense of lack of care during the early years of childhood attachment would have an impact on childhood attachment styles and will have an impact on how they perceive relationships in emerging adulthood years. The rationale behind the experiment conducted by the researcher is to show that childhood attachments are significant indicators. The study aim is to identify how insecure attachments as an adult are influenced by adverse childhood attachment experiences as a child. The participants in the study were high risk community women. Risk identification was for anxiety conditions such as GAD, social phobia and Agoraphobia, and major depression. The women were studied in the years of 1990-1995 and then in the years of 1995-1999. The women were asked to complete an interview. The format used was the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA) and an Attachment Style Interview (ASI). In the second and follow up interview, a structured clinical interview was administered. The results indicated that nearly 55 percent of the women were seen to suffer insecure relationship patterns in their life and a partial mediatory influence of childhood adversity and attachment was seen to influence their current fearful and dismissive relationship patters.
The research was able to conclude that a dysfunctional interpersonal style in relationships would be perpetrated by childhood attachment issues and that this form of understanding on mediating variables would be helpful to address issues for the participants. The research limitation arises because the student has not considered the background of the participant, their economic standing and their relationships as well.“Mapping the road from childhood trauma to adult somatization: the role of attachment” by Waldinger et al (2006).The research aim was to understand how insecure attachment during childhood might lead to issues for the adult because of childhood trauma. An adult somatization inventory was created. The participants selected were couples. 101 couples were selected. The couples were made to fill out a self-report measure. They completed a Childhood Trauma Questionnaire CTQ, a Conflict Tactics Scale version 2, which is also referred to as the CTS2, the Somatic Symptom Inventory, or the somatization inventory SSI and the relationship questionnaire and Depression inventory.