


Jerome Kagan的《Three delight Ideas》中对依恋理论最主要的批评体现在一些例子中,这些例子强调了婴儿早期经验对长期心理发展的影响(Csikszentmihalyi, 2014)。批评认为,婴儿在其第一个发展阶段所形成的行为态度不能与无限的稳定性联系在一起。在这方面值得注意的另一个突出方面是依恋理论家关于婴儿的环境对他们发展的影响的推论。

该著作提出的第二个批评是利用复杂抽象的心理过程,如记忆、学习、调节、恐惧和注意,推导出依恋理论(Freud, 2017)。这些抽象过程的使用不能概括不同物种的结果,抽象过程理论化的模糊性反映了依恋理论的局限性。快乐的目标作为人类大多数行为的潜在动机,反映了对依恋理论的批判。

可以观察到,虽然可以从行为成分中识别出婴儿期依恋的影响,但快乐的目标可能会导致个体行为的改变(Larsen et al., 2017)。这一事实可以根据个人根据其道德标准描绘特征的固有愿望与决定行动过程时的愉悦或减少痛苦的感官感觉之间的冲突而得到证实。

Therefore, attachment theory can be considered as a conceptual underpinning of the attachment behavioral system which regulates infant behavior in terms of maintaining contacts and seeking proximity with other individuals for psychological or physical safety (Card, 2017). However, Jerome Kagan has presented explicit criticisms for attachment theory in his works which can be illustrated as follows.

The foremost criticism of attachment theory in Jerome Kagan’s ‘Three Pleasing Ideas’ is observed in the examples highlighting ambiguities related to the impact of early experience among infants on long term psychological development (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). The criticism suggests that behavioral attitudes developed by infants in their first developmental stage could not be associated with indefinite stability. Another prominent aspect to be noticed in this context is the inference of attachment theorists regarding the influence of the environment of the infant on their development.

The second criticism drawn forward in the work was the use of complex abstract psychological processes such as memory, learning, regulation, fear and attention to derive the attachment theory (Freud, 2017). The use of these abstract processes fails to generalize the outcomes across various species and the ambiguity pertaining to theorization of abstract processes is reflective of the limitations of attachment theory. The objective of pleasure as the underlying motive of majority of human actions is reflective of a criticism of the attachment theory.

It can be observed that while impact of attachment in the infancy stage could be identified in behavioral components, the objective of pleasure could be responsible for changes in behavior of an individual (Larsen et al., 2017). This fact can be validated on the grounds of conflict between the inherent desire of an individual to depict characteristics in accordance with their moral standards and the sensory feeling of pleasure or reduction of pain in determining the course of action.
