

  This research is related to the Sociology disciplines. From the data collected, some of the conclusions that have been brought forward are diverse and with regard to identity stimulation. A much systematic argument can be taken from the theory of dialectical-materialist on fetishism of commodity which depicts that orientation of material and its consumption has the ability of functioning in a way that it leads towards dissipating the self, class and consciousness collectively for individuals (Wilson et al, 2011). On the other hand, illusory romance has reference to illusory romantic relationship creation with idols. It has a tendency to be a common consequence of pop culture consumption which fabricates readily a relationship of illusory nature between their fans and idols. As such romance only has illusory nature, it is frustrating to people and henceforth results in being detrimental to individual esteem. Illusory romance furthermore would be rational productive work contrary resulting therefore to cut the performance which is good. Worship furthermore reflects the subjective involvement of individuals within the idol. The maximum the range of worship, the higher is the idol influence over the individuals. The impact has dependence over the act’s nature along with over the idol nature. Also, it was evident that idol worshipping is an individual preference much influenced through media and parents as well (Yue et al, 2013). The nature formerly is inclusive of the notion that worship implies holding oneself and showing submissiveness as a master idol slave. Under the constraint of self-depreciating nature, it is problematic for slaves to understand more performance and their development. On the contrary, the idols nature, in the situation of pop star has lesser morality and youth self-development contribution intellectually. On the contrary, the idols nature, in the situation of pop star has less morality and intellect based contribution to self-development of young girls. Instead the irrational stars image and their hedonistic presumption induces these young girls to gravitate in the direction of same lifestyle and orientation which is low in the development hierarchy.

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