



Robin Hood has evident from the medieval period was regarded a legend, rather a great hero. His story consists of reality and fiction because of the presence of various differentiated sources. Some of these sources were literature of romance, which completely had fictional contexts in them, while others were analogous literature fields evaluating the cultural diffusion and contemporary perceptions of Robin Hood that appeared to be real. All these instances are such that the origin of this legend was far from being evident, but this does form the scope of this essay. The scope of this essay lies in, first understanding the type of hero Robin Hood was.
As already stated, Robin Hood was legend. The legend of Robin Hood was genesised in the latter half of 1262. This was the time when various royal families existed, and the existence of out – laws was common. Berkshire, the said hometown of Robin Hood, in that period, was under great taxation, causing the poor people in town to further, deteriorate. As an early Ballad figure, it becomes important to state that before anything else Robin Hood was an out – law and an individual removed from established networks of society. This gave rise to a separate authority alternatively, namely the Robin Hood Law, which stated that the society is equal and all individuals in the society have the right to wealth, especially that wealth which is taken away from them through grave taxes possessed by the King. Being said that, this Law framed an ability to steal from those who were rich, and give more to the poor.
Even though, robbing as an element, performed by Robin Hood, is perfectly associated with exclusively and has identification within the perceptive contemporary practices that hinted the presence of Robin Hood in reality. The Ballad figure appeal lies implicitly in criticizing the authority, which represents dominancy with the help of protests that are channeled, within the entertainment boundary of protection. Even though these Ballads were written down, but originally these were transferred and perceived as that art performance which is oral.