

The case study of mercury couriers and how there are issues in the way MC operates its management of performance, feedback and future development are at the core of this case study analysis. Firstly, the discussion will be on how base pay system and structure have to be fair to employees. Secondly, the work will discuss the management of non-monetary rewards, indirect and variables pay elements which are an absolute necessity for organization. For the case study, some of the best practices possibly are advised based on their current strengths and weaknesses. A best fit strategic alignment based on competitive structure, organizational structure, management, work culture and the HRM system is presented. An outline of the best fit options along with addressing issues of motivation is presented.
There are no non-monetary rewards identified in the case study. Reward schemes in the workplace are usually extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic reward schemes are those of financial payments, workplace recognition etc. These help the employee to work better (Smith, 2000). Extrinsic reward schemes such as workplace recognitions are missing here. The motto of the workplace is that everybody could be bought. There are no intrinsic motivational strategies applied here. Internal motivations strategies ensure that employees are self-motivated.
The outline for implementation will include:
1) Defining the mission, vision, organization culture, goals and objectives of the organization
2) Adopting a workplace culture that is focused on both extrinsic and intrinsic motivational strategies
3) Developing a workplace assessment based on instruments such as the balanced score card
4) Ensuring there is collaboration during assessments

Management of performance, feedback and development of Mercury Couriers was analyzed in the case study. Mainly, the management of base pay, the form of performance assessment systems used, and also how issues of motivation might pose threats for MC are presented. Best practices and outline to improve assessment for the future is presented.
The organization appears to not be fair when it comes to motivational practices. There are issues of equity in the organization, as one year’s performance would decide remuneration benefits or loss of job and it would not be fair to new recruits. The assessment instrument has issues in validity and reliability.

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