

通常情况下,培训和发展是人力资源部门的一部分,人力资源部门有责任为现有员工和新员工制定完善的培训计划,以提高他们的知识和技能。然而,在不同的组织之间的关系的变化(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。


Normally, training and development is a part of human resource department and it is the responsibility of human resource department to set a perfect training program for existing as well as new employees in order to enhance their knowledge and skills. However, the relationship between the two varies among different organisations (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).
The importance of training and development is questioned from time to time and why is it absolutely important and significant to focus on learning or any other kind of training for the employees? The answer to this simple question is that nobody in the world has stopped at one place and in order to grow and develop it is very important to go forward learn new things, whether it is a human being or a business organisation everybody needs new learning (Salas et al, 2012). Same theory is applied on the organisation, if same practices will be followed for years in any organisation, then they will be stagnant at one position and will ultimately shut down for the very same reason. To grow, develop and to be in the market for long period of time, company will have to come up with something new and unique. This something new and unique will come when company will produce or manufacture something new and unique and finally that is only possible when the employees of the company will have an opportunity to learn new skills in the company or outside the company to enhance the level of overall performance (Salas et al, 2012).
There is constant change in technology and business environment due which issues like exporting or outsourcing of service, downsizing of employees, high and gruesome competition on international platform and in the end aging and elder workforce are some of the basic reasons which make constant learning and development very important. Many in fact almost all the firms have a training cell placed in the organisation and they take it very seriously but development part is completely ignored (Salas et al, 2012). The employees are trained at all possible level but they are given appropriate development opportunities.
Also when the company goes through any crunch time or the time when the company faces any type of financial crisis, the first thing which is cut from the overall budget is the training and development cell (Salas et al, 2012).