



The main advantages of M&A activity is speedy growth, reduction of competition, strategic increase in resources, satisfaction of stakeholders on company’s performance, financial gain and monetary value as well as reduced intricacies new market penetration. Merger and Acquisition is the most rapid method of cross border expansion of any business (Ben-Soon et al 2006). Additionally, the risk involved in the introduction of innovative products to new market can be reduced greatly, if a firm merges with a giant native firm of that region (Mitchell & Phillip, 2011). M & A can reduce the market competitions greatly in the regions where it is severely observed. For example, if the firm A is a native small compared to the giant one B which is of different country, firm B tries to acquire A to reduce its market competition of its own product. This case can be seen in Acquisition of Audi by Volkswagen, one of the leading car manufacturers to achieve the market power showed by Shantanu et al (2013). Any firm can go for Merger and Acquisition for increasing its competencies, benefits, to increase its revenue for long lasting fiscal standpoint for the parent firm who tries to increase the capital gain through these strategies. But according to (David & Xiaoying 2008), this strategy is considered as efficient one due to the resistivity in various economic intricacies and policy changes too. In the case of Merger & Acquisitions, the greatest beneficiaries are the stakeholders of both parent and acquired firms. Kjell et al (2011) argues that this is due to the merger and takeovers always profitable when it is planned strategically. While not every stakeholder will consider this strategy as successful one, only who aims at higher return of investments stimulates and encourages the merger and acquisition dealings stated by Ho et al (2009). Stakeholders, who hold sentimental values like sentimental attachment with founders of the firm, will not satisfy over the benefits they receive over the merits of the merger and acquisitions. Deborah (1993) also agrees that when a company is takeover with less worth of market share may tolerate short-term gains because of stripping. When merging with energetic firm may always conquer beforehand market entrance difficulties quiet easily. But Peter (2009) denies the short term gains in his studies showing that new market penetration may be expensive scheme, concerning about the market research amid other direct expenses, and it might take few months to decades for building a potential client support.