


本研究旨在对两个方面进行理解,即开发人口统计学数据库和研究由国际专业学生领导的初级卫生保健诊所服务的用户的感知(Kent & Keating, 2013)。对这两个方面的数据进行了收集和分析,得出了结论。收集访问初级卫生诊所的患者的详细信息,并在此基础上发展患者的人口学。另一方面,为了收集用户感知的信息,开发了问卷。根据用户提供的答案,对该计划有一些看法。基于本研究的目的,可以从使用者和所有者(在本例中是诊所)两个角度进行分析。上述研究是从两个不同的角度进行的,包括了解患者的人口统计资料和分析用户对初级卫生诊所提供的服务的看法。通过研究发现,跨专业学生提供的医疗保健对老年人是非常有益的。在与病人及其护理人员讨论后,确定需要转介。

这些转诊通常与任何紧急或关键问题无关,重点是促进老年损伤预防。这是非常有益的,因为它不仅符合世界卫生组织(WHO)的政策框架,而且对促进老年健康也很重要(Buckley, Vu &雷麦杜斯,2014)。这些诊所实现了这些目标,并为医疗保健方面的这些需求提供了平衡,否则这些需求将是昂贵的,如果不是早些时候没有的话。对于糖尿病患者(需要定期检查和观察)或物理治疗需求(老年人比较常见)等情况的转介,可以在更大程度上改善老年保健设施和满意度。可以说,该研究揭示了该系统的不足之处,消除这些不足之处,将会带来更好的结果和更好的服务(Nicol, 2013)。这项研究也增加了学生的经验,这是非常重要的观点,了解病人的问题,并提供适当的建议。


The study was conducted to develop understanding on two aspects i.e. developing the database for the demographics and studying the perceptions of the users who have undertaken the services of the primary healthcare clinic led by inter professional students (Kent & Keating, 2013). The data is collected and analysed for these two aspects, and the inferences have been drawn. The details of the patients visiting the primary health clinic were collected based on which the demographic of patients was developed. On the other hand in order to collect the information on user’s perception the questionnaire was developed. Based on the answers provided by the users, there are perceptions towards the initiative. Based on the aim of the study, it can be said that the analysis has been conducted from both perspectives the users and the owner (in this case the clinics).The study as mentioned above, was conducted from two different perspectives including understanding the patient demographics and analysing the perceptions of the users on the services that were provided by the primary health clinic. Based on the study it was revealed that the healthcare provided by the inter-professional students is quite beneficial for the old people. The need for referrals was identified after discussing with the patients and their caretakers.

The referrals were generally not related to any emergency or critical issue and focused on promoting injury prevention in old age. This is quite beneficial as not only it is in line with the policy framework of World Health Organization (WHO) but also important for health promotion in old age (Buckley, Vu & Remedios, 2014). These clinics fulfil these targets and provide the balance to such needs in healthcare which otherwise was costly, if not absent earlier. Referrals in cases such as that for diabetic patients (who need regular checkups and observation) or physiotherapy needs (which are quite common in old age) can lead to improved healthcare facilities in old age and satisfaction to a greater extent. It can be said that the study reveals the deficiencies in the system which when eliminated will led to better results and improve services (Nicol, 2013). This study also adds to the experience of the students which is quite important from the viewpoint of understanding the problems of the patient and providing suitable advices.