

弗朗索瓦·魁奈(Francois Quesnay)是第一个受欢迎的人,因为他把科学体系引入到政治经济中。在此之前,资产阶级社会的概念是存在的。政治经济学的历史可以分为三个阶段,这些阶段将与斯密、李嘉图和马克思提出的概念进行解释。第一阶段的发展是在封建社会的关系下产生生产力的时期。在此期间,提出了资本主义的意识形态,并将马克思的观点应用于新思想的发展。资本主义的生产关系需要被现有的生产关系所取代。在这一时期,政治经济的特点是关于国家秩序的概念,这一概念实际上是存在的。思想是建立在上帝意志的基础上的;上帝会给人类带来幸福。自然秩序形象被认为是完美的和谐,现存社会的其他弊病被认为是人为的,因为它们与自然系统相反(Cooper,2012)。政治家的主要作用是基于坚定的理由使用他们的权力。在这种情况下,自然的命令是基于已经存在的法律,它们应该与理想状态保持一致。为了消除受自然秩序支配的经济运作的原则,进行了一项努力。其结果是政治经济的发展。第一阶段的学说现在可以用自然经济秩序原理来检验。认为自然经济秩序是与自然规律相结合的生产资本主义关系。这些法律不过是资本主义的产物。


Francois Quesnay was the first to gain popularity because he introduced about the scientific system into political economy. Before this concept, the concepts of bourgeois society were present. The history of political economy can be divided into three stages and these stages will be discussed with the explanations of the concepts presented by Smith, Ricardo and Marx. The development of stage one was the period when productive power was developed under the relations of feudal. At this time period the ideology of capitalism was presented and views of Marx were used in the development of the new idea. Capitalist relations of the production needed to be replaced with the existing relations of the production ones. During this period the characteristic of political economy was about the notion of national order that had the idea of order that actually existed. Idea was based on God’s will; God will give happiness to mankind. Natural orders image was viewed as perfect harmony and other maladies of existing society were viewed as artificial states because they were contrary to the natural systems (Cooper, 2012). The main role of the statesman was to use their power based on a firm reason. In this way the natural orders were based on the laws that already existed and they should be aligned with the ideal state. An effort was conducted to eliminate the principles of economic operations that were governed by the natural order. The outcomes of this were the development of political economy. Doctrine in the first stage can now be examined using the natural economic order principle. It is evaluated that the natural economic order is capitalist relations of the production that are combined with the natural laws. These laws are not more than capitalist productions.