
  本篇英国论文抄袭后果-保护主义对全球经济未来的影响,资本主义和全球化的不断增加,巨大的不平等,不公平的分配正义,失衡获得教育和医疗,突然不同世界各地的工资和生活费用,由于互联性和高度敏感的商业环境的全球市场已经进入和平与和谐的主张在所有。例如,波兰拒绝接收任何难民,欧盟强制规定接收难民(Aljazeera.com, 2016)。因此,保护主义是主权国家剩下的唯一选择,它们意识到,为自己而活实际上可能更有意义、更有成就感。保护主义在英国退欧事件中表现得很明显,当时它真的觉得英国可以更快地实现繁荣,或者按照自己的意愿,让英国自己作保。以英国脱欧为例,在法国、波兰、罗马尼亚和其他国家,此类行为成倍增加。英国论文抄袭后果-保护主义对全球经济未来的影响提供给留学生阅读。

  Taking an example of Brexit, there has been a multiplication of such act in France, Poland, Romania, and other nations. The euphoric victory of Trump in the US came under the promise of protecting America and focussing back on its internal problems rather than meddling with other nations. Such events have a deep impact on the future of global economy, because conservatism and protectionism is meant to protect nations from being sold to others, rendering domestic self-sustainability as the prime objective. Such measures avoid global free movement of capital and labour, and also dislike excessive foreign investments (O’Rourke and Taylor, 2006). Risks are avoided to a major extent by limiting foreign investments, encouraging domestic investments and sustenance measures, in short a market which is at the most least risky to invest in and more predictable in nature (Von Mises and Greaves, 2011). Protectionism hurts global investors and businesses, as their growth plans are hit by restriction to market entries and limitations of expansion and continuous investments. Protectionism hates conspicuous consumption which global businesses are so good at promoting, despite warnings of waning natural resources and rising waste problem across the world. Global economy could become snail-paced if protectionism prevails.

  Britain leaving the EU and Trump’s winning the election marks the beginning of protectionist measures and policy popularity. Populism wins in such cases and policies though by economic leaders are significantly deviated. The US itself is high on income inequality, for protectionism is adopted (Resnikoff, 2015). The US and UK’s political environment has much to influence the global economy, as it is impacting all connected nations. The US’s stance on curbing the misuse of visas and reducing the number of foreign nationals entering the US has a major impact on the global economy. Many presupposed plans of manpower movement stops and so does the outlook for the country and its future. The thousands who abruptly realise the rejection received in the US could be in jeopardy and lead to confused and uncertain future. This also damages the economy to an extent.

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