

这本名为《快乐10%》的书以一种简单的方式为怀疑论者提供了冥想的机会,通过运用科学的各种方法描述了一种有意义的实践。它展示了自我在一个人的生活中是多么的重要,为了过一个没有压力的生活。作者丹·哈里斯(Dan Harris)的名言是:“对你无法改变的事情感到不快乐没有意义,对你可以改变的事情感到不快乐也没有意义(165)。”这些名言清楚地说明了健康的生活方式,也表明了生命的重要性。幸福是生活的重要组成部分,每个人都通过它来摆脱生活的紧张。

除了上述的解释和陈述,作者还指出了自我的三个主要原因(哈里斯150;哈里斯270)。自我的原因是不能被满足的问题,简单而不是一个傻瓜,通过冥想和第四种习惯性反应增加了正念和同情。作者以代表冥想中所呈现的事实的课程形式,指出了这三个问题的解决之道。研究方法在研究中起着举足轻重的作用。为了充分强调所进行的研究,采用了一种定性方法。这项由Dan Harish进行的研究是关于Dan Harish“幸福10%”的研究。


The Book “10% Happier” provided skeptics to meditation in an easy way by undertaking various approaches of the science which depicts a meaningful practice. It shows how the ego is important in one’s life for leading a stress-free life. The quotes of the author Dan Harris which is “There’s no point in being unhappy about things you can’t change, and no point being unhappy about the things you can change (165).” These quotes clearly explain the leading of life in a healthy way and also it indicates the importance of the life. Happiness is a great part of the life by which each and every individual lead their life tension free.

Apart from the above explanation and the statement, the author also indicated three major causes of ego (Harris 150; Harris 270). The causes of the ego are the problem that cannot be satisfied, being simple and not a simpleton, and the increment of the mindfulness and the compassion by meditation with a fourth habitual response. The author indicates the solution of these three problems in the form of the lessons which represents the facts present in the meditation. The research methodology plays a pivotal role in the research study. In order to provide adequate emphasis on the undertaken research, a qualitative methodology has been used. The undertaken research is on the book “10% Happier” by Dan Harish.