



A Cognizant industry report on the forms of dining indicates that the restaurant business is broadly divided into casual dining services, quick service restaurant, fast casual and dining. The quick service restaurant is one where the speed of service is the quality determinant. People approaching the quick service restaurant do not expect the traditional cutlery, service style and food range. The food is also low cost. On the other hand the fine dining serves as an extreme to the quick service. The fine dining is often a full service restaurant and the meals are often divided according to the course, such as a soup, appetizer and main course. The décor of the restaurant is often themed and is richer than a quick service (Cognizant White Paper, 2009). The cost of the food is usually higher than that of the quick service restaurants. Alcohol would be served as part of the dining. On the other hand fast casual and casual restaurants fall in the intermediate zone. The fast casual restaurant is one step above the quick service restaurant. Prices are moderate and the service is moderately fast compared to the fine dining. The casual dining is a restaurant where moderately priced food is served in a casual dining atmosphere. The services is not that fast compared to the fast casual and the quick dining and the restaurant is usually a full service restaurant too, having limited wine collections with proper table service and décor (Cognizant White Paper, 2009). The choice of the casual dining restaurant appeals to customers as the food is served in a traditional way, and the pricing is also quite moderate.