


企业的战略必须不时地进行调整,以适应当前的市场状况。因此,为了实现这一点,管理者将不得不重新评估结构的变化。公司重组中最常见的错误是新改革紧跟旧改革,但程度更高。换句话说,可以说旧的等级制度仍然植根于所谓的新改革之中。因此,这样的改革并没有产生任何显著的效果,所以我们需要做的是,必须打破过去盛行的改革,新的设计必须是一个新的设计,一个更大的和新的愿景。这可能是一项艰巨的任务,因为存在过去的优先级(Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014)。过去的先例很可能与期望、人际关系、职能、职业轨迹和角色有关。

在公司任职的员工有时试图抵制公司的重组,因为这将导致以前存在的权力的丧失。正是这些事情让这项任务变得艰巨,也让我们面临着挑战,我们需要从过去中寻找一个新的开始,让业务变得更有竞争力。因此,当涉及到重组时,一个人必须脱离现有的场景,并帮助公司的员工有一个新的视野来看待新的改革。这就是为什么重组必须正确进行,以避免来自员工的阻力(Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012)。通过启用正确的结构调整形式,将有助于解决并避免有机会战胜组织结构变化的阻力。必须帮助受影响的人,使他们能够看到全局,并对他们在新的结构中所扮演的新角色有全面的了解。


Strategy of firm has to be changed every once in awhile to cope up with present market status and condition. So in order to achieve this, the managers will have to re-evaluate the change in structure. The most common mistake that is involved with the firm’s restructure is that the new reform follows the old one but with a higher degree. In other words it can be said that the old hierarchy remains embedded in the so called new reforms. Therefore such kind of reform does not yield any significant result so what is required to be done here is that the reform must be broken up from that which prevailed in the past and the new design must be a fresh one with a greater and new vision. It might be one of the daunting tasks because of the existence of past precedence (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). The past precedents are much likely to be related with the expectations, interpersonal relationship, functions, career trajectories and roles.

The people serving under the firm at times try to resist to the restructure, as it results in the loss of power that existed before. These are the things that make this task daunting and is challenging for creating a break from the past in order look for a fresh start for making the business competent. Thus, when it comes to restructuring one has to break away from the scenario that existed and help the staff members of the firm to have a glance at the new reforms with a fresh vision. This is the reason why restructuring must be carried out correctly in order to avoid the resistance from the staff members (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012). By enabling a correct form of restructure will help in addressing and avoid the resistance that had the chance to prevail over change in organization structure. The affected ones must be helped so that they will be able to look at the full picture, and gain complete idea about their new roles in the new restructure.