


根据目前的情况,披萨厨师、厨师或制造商的工资从6.82美元到9.20美元不等。外卖司机、餐厅经理、CSR、披萨店助理经理以及披萨外卖司机,根据他们的工作和对生产系统的责任,他们的工资标准也不同。在披萨的生产体系中,价格歧视是一个问题。不同成分的披萨价格区间不同,新西兰的公司必须将披萨的所有属性告知顾客,否则公司将难以承担生产、分销和运营管理的成本(Quiles et al., 2015)。新西兰的经济状况非常稳定,快餐业的规模相当大。从整体上看,所有行业占全国GDP总量的63%,从这个角度来看,提到比萨生产是一个有利可图的市场是没有错的(Murphy & Pazzani, 2014)。据统计数据显示,全国披萨外卖消费占经通胀调整后总消费的21.1%。
这是因为,随着人们现代生活方式的发展,披萨的消费量也在不断增加。在新西兰,自行车和电动摩托车被用作交通工具。在新奥克兰和惠灵顿,这些服务经常得到遵守,因为生产系统与快速交付成正比。披萨行业,尤其是生产单位的顶尖披萨公司都期待着先进的可再生能源技术。水力发电是通过水流产生能量的电力(fahay – burke et al., 2013)。披萨生产系统对这种可再生能源的依赖程度较高,体现了新西兰披萨生产系统对节能的关注。在披萨生产系统中,与面团混合、披萨基材制作、番茄酱基材制作、其他原料、配以番茄香精等新西兰民族配料相关的配料均为杨树。肉、奶酪、蔬菜等是披萨的主要原料。


The wages of pizza cook or chef or maker differ from the range of $6.82 to that of $9.20 looking at the current scenario. The delivery driver, restaurant manager, CSR, assistant managers of pizza stores and the pizza delivery drivers all have different pay scales as per their works and responsibilities towards the production system. Price discrimination is an issue here in case of the production system of pizza. Pizzas with different ingredients have difference price ranges and the companies in New Zealand have to inform about all the attributes of the pizzas to the customers otherwise it would be difficult for the company to bear the cost of the production, distribution and operation management (Quiles et al., 2015). The economic condition of New Zealand is highly stable with sizable sectors of fast food industry. As a whole, all the industries collectively accountable for the 63% of the total GDP of the nation and looking at this, it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that it is a profitable market for pizza production (Murphy & Pazzani, 2014). According to the statistical data, the nation is inclined towards pizza takeaways which contribute 21.1% of the total inflation adjusted movement.
It is because, the increasing consumption of pizza that goes alongside with the modern lifestyle of the people.In New Zealand, bikes and electric scooters are utilised for the transportation purpose. In New Auckland and Wellington, those services are being frequently followed as the production system is directly proportional with the fast delivery.The pizza industry, especially the production units of top pizza companies are looking forward to the advanced technology of renewable source of energy. Hydroelectric power is the electricity which generates energy from streaming water (Fahey-Burke et al., 2013). Pizza production system is highly dependent on this renewable energy source in New Zealand which shows the concern of production system of pizza towards energy conservation.Ingredients related to mix dough, production of pizza bases, tomato base sauce, other raw materials, blending tomato flavour and other ethnic ingredients of New Zealand are poplar in the pizza production system. Meat, cheese, veggies etc are the main ingredients of pizza production.