

responsibility commitment usually have an increased ability to attract and to retain employees, which due to recruitment, reduce turnover and training costs. Employees often evaluate the firms CSR performance to decide if their personal values conflict with those of the firms at which they work. If the employees under the pressure of their supervisor, and ignore written or moral laws for achieve higher profits. This kind of action due to employees fears in the workplace and harm their trust, loyalty, and commitment to the business. Business improves labor practices and working conditions also experience increased productivity and cut error rates. Regularization control in the production equipments throughout the world, and make sure that all of the employees work under fine conditions and get living wages. This action is costly, however it is increased productivity of the worker and improved quality of the products make positive cash flow that cover the costs of associated. Overall, companies may actually get benefits from socially responsible activities in terms of employee morale and productivity (Moskowitz, 1972, Parket & Meibert, 1975, Soloman & Hansen, 1985).

