

1896年,法国电影制作人开发出了第一批短而无声的色情短片(Priceonomics, 2016)。随着科技的发展,公众对色情片的观看更多地转向网络下载或私人租赁,这使得越来越多的人观看色情片。最近,网络摄像头录制的色情视频扩大了色情市场。据《美国新闻与世界报道》(1997)报道,美国在“商业与技术”一栏发表了一篇关于色情的封面文章,明确描绘了该国的性不道德行为。最近,《时代》杂志发表的一篇文章估计,目前色情产业的核心价值超过80亿美元,而这个行业的收入估计在100亿美元左右。

美国的硬核色情产业已经超过了好莱坞的国内电影市场,因为它在1996年已经租赁了超过6.65亿的色情硬核视频。随着媒体的崛起,色情行业悄然成为世界上收入最高的行业之一(Refinery29, 2016)。媒体在美国色情产业的扩张中发挥了重要作用,这对美国人民的个人和职业生活产生了负面影响。色情已经成为家庭、儿童和婚姻的主要威胁。色情演员的婚姻生活受到了严重的影响,因为他们对自己的妻子没有同样的情感依恋,反之亦然。在美国,观看色情作品已经破坏了许多家庭的良好关系(旧金山纪事报,2016)。

In the year 1896, the first short and silent erotic clips of porn clips were developed by the filmmakers of France (Priceonomics, 2016). With the advent of technology, the public viewing of porn stag films shifted more towards internet downloads or private rentals which made more people watch fetish sexual porn videos. As of late, the introduction of webcam recordings of porn videos has expanded the market for pornography.
According to the US News and World Report (1997), the country has been explicitly depicted sexual immorality by publishing a cover article on pornography on the section titled as “Business and Technology”.Recently, an article published by the Time Magazine estimated that current worth of hardcore porn industry is more than $8 billion and the estimated revenues of this industry are around $10 billion.

Hardcore porn business in the USA has surpassed the domestic movie market of Hollywood as it has rented more than 665 million porn hardcore videos in the year 1996. With the rise of media, the porn industry has silently become one of the top revenue earning industries of the world (Refinery29, 2016). Media has played an important role in expanding the pornography industry in the USA, which has adversely affected the personal and professional lives of the people of the country. Pornography has become a major threat to the family, children, and marriage. The marriage lives of pornographic actors have been severely affected as they don’t feel the same emotional attachment with their real wives and vice versa. Pornography viewing has disrupted good relations of many families in the USA (San Francisco Chronicle, 2016).