


在当地将会有更多的就业和满意度,这将增加塔卡普纳的就业。成本效益分析是一种从可用选项中找出经济产出的好方法(Bryde et al., 2013)。还需要从长期角度分析关键绩效指标,比较结果,短期可能不可行,但长期肯定会受益。

目前,它在基础设施方面欠发达,因此需要了解当地公众,并与官员、政府和城镇发展当局联系,计划进一步投资该计划,以便将其带入下一阶段。私人和公共交通出行几乎持平,这是发展这条公路的好机会。公路附近的海滩将得到很好的发展,这将再次产生旅游业和收入,以克服项目的成本。也有发展住房社会的良好可能性,这将增加土地价值和政府的收入来源(Eadie et al., 2013)。还将发展更多的旅游运营商和租车、自行车和自行车服务。项目还会有其他几个在现阶段无法分析的有利结果,由于外国跨国公司的投资,可能会有更多的商业和发展机会。

在德文波特半岛和塔卡普纳地区有很多正在开发的项目,这些项目需要将各种需要的项目整合在一起,在不同的阶段实现。还需要访问项目的预计完成时间效果效益通过分期的不同阶段计划、实现和结合它与其他项目的结果将有利于当地公众长期战略发展设施(博斯沃思et al ., 2016)。在不同阶段不断进行评估也有助于对整个情况有一个清晰的认识。这也有助于DBC进程分析详细的运输模型、充分量化成本和效益分析、优化资源和为委员会面前的各种可用道路制定财务需要。

There will be more employment and satisfaction among local public which will increase employment in Takapuna. Cost benefit analysis is a good approach to find out the economic output from the available options (Bryde et al., 2013). There is also need to analyze the key performance indicators for long term perspective to compare results, which may not be feasible in short term but it will definitely benefit in long term.

At present time, it is less developed in terms of infrastructure, so it is required to aware local public and approach to the officials, government and town development authority to plan for further investment in the plan so that it will be taken to the next phase. The travelling from private and public transports is almost equal, so it is good opportunity to develop this road. Beaches near the road will be well developed which will again generate tourism and revenue to overcome the cost of the project. There is also good possibility of development of housing society which will increase land value and income sources for the authorities (Eadie et al., 2013). There will be development of more tour operators and rental car, bike and bicycle services. Project will have several other beneficial outcomes which are not possible to analyze at this stage and there is possibility of more business and development opportunities due to investment from foreign multinational companies.

There are lots of projects that are developing in the Devenport peninsula and Takapuna area which require integration of the various needed projects to come together and make it at different stages. It is also required to access the expected completion time of the projects to avail benefits by staging them into the various phases of planning, implementation and combining it with other projects to get an outcome which will benefit the local public, with long term vision to develop facilities (Bosworth et al., 2016). Continuous assessment at various stages will also help to get the clear picture of the whole scenario. This will also help in DBC process to analyse detailed transport modelling, fully quantify the cost and benefits analysis, optimization of the resources and development of the financial requirements for the various available paths in front of the committee.
