

Akhras, F.N.Self, J.A.(2010)在概念性文章《学习的过程而非产品建模》中,利用可信的学术资源,对与学习方法相关的各种材料和文献进行了研究和研究。本概念研究是在前人研究的基础上进行的。研究结果表明,小组研究有助于确保他们之间的知识技能共享。这是有益的,因为拥有不同技能和强项的学生可以互相帮助,发展他们不擅长的技能。这可以帮助学生在很大程度上受益,因为他们可以做得很好,即使在他们薄弱的领域。这样,小组学习比个人学习更有效。极为重要的是,重点仍然是创造一种更强大的资源共享水平,以便创造协同效应。当以这种方式共享视图和透视图时,就可以构建和使用新的学习模型。技能分享有助于建立更好的团队合作,这在当今世界是至关重要和必要的。

它有助于为个人进入企业世界做准备,因此应该纳入学习的过程中。提供更高层次的学习效率以及帮助建立更好的学习系统的技能共享是至关重要的。根据Kop, r;山,一个。,当学生们分享笔记和其他资源时,连接式学习或小组学习更有效。它帮助建立更好的学习,因为它帮助学生适应多种学习方式。这对学生在一个小组学习是非常有益的。非常重要的是,学生们要在小组的其他成员可以分享的话题上记下他们错过的笔记或要点,这可以帮助他们更好地学习。这是作者研究的结果,“连接主义:未来的学习理论还是过去的遗迹?”在本概念研究中,我们观察并评价了群体研究的多因素和益处。它有助于理解学生是如何从小组学习中获益的,对联结主义和小组研究领域的进一步研究具有重要意义。


Akhras, F.N.and Self, J.A. (2010) in the conceptual article, “Modelling the process, not the product, of learning”, carried out a research and conducted a study on various material and literature related to study methods, using credible academic sources. This conceptual study was carried out on the basis of previous researches in the same domain. The findings indicate that group studies help ensure that there is skill sharing of the knowledge that they have with each other. This is beneficial as students with different skill sets and strengths can help each other develop those skills that they are weak at. This can help students benefit to a great extent as they can do well even in areas where they are weak. In this way group study is more effective than individual study. It is extremely essential that the focus remains on creation of a stronger level of sharing of resources in order to create synergies. When views and perspectives are shared in this way, new kinds of learning models can be built and used. Skill sharing helps in building better team cooperation’s which are crucial and necessary in today’s world.

It helps in preparing the individuals for the corporate world and hence should be incorporated in the process of learning. It is essential that is delivery of higher levels of effectiveness in learning and also skill sharing which helps build better learning systems. According to Kop, R.; Hill, A., a connective or group study is more effective as students share notes and other resources. It helps build better learning as it helps the student in adapting multiple learning styles. This is extremely beneficial for the students studying in a group. It is extremely important that students pick up notes or points that they have missed on certain topics before which the other members of the group can share and this can help them learn better. This was found as a result of the author’s research, “Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past?” In this conceptual research, multiple factors and benefits of group study was observed as well as evaluated. It helps understand how students are benefitted from group studies and formed an important implication for further research in the domain of connectivism and group studies.