

Barton(2008)讨论了各种教练方法;其中一些是绩效培训、技能培训、高管议程培训和发展培训。对技能的培训是为了培养人才的能力和技能;这允许执行由组织内部教练负责的任务。绩效培训的重点是员工的工作表现,培训的目的是提高员工的工作表现。例如,绩效指导将涵盖项目经理团队管理技能的开发(Caplan 2003)。能力建设的概念包括在发展指导下,这是相同的领导发展功能的指导和继任规划。此外,高管培训还描述了对执行职位员工的培训。在一个组织中,培训的唯一重点是使员工发展某种管理的人员技能。此外,Baron和Morin(2010)也证明了教练在提高高管自我效能感方面的作用。就有效的团队合作和提高员工的绩效而言,培训已被证明对许多组织是有用的。同时,通过使用这些工具,公司能够培养优秀员工的领导能力。

高管培训还与提高员工能力的潜力相联系,同时使他们为在不久的将来担任任何一种领导角色做好准备。同时,对于一个组织来说,员工技能水平的提高对公司来说是一种竞争优势(Friginal 2007)。组织需要适应外部环境中经常发生的变化。同时,软技能难以模仿,因此它使企业在市场上获得竞争优势的可持续方式。Antal(1993)以ABB瑞典公司为例,探讨了培训的有效性。该公司实行了培训女员工的制度,以便发展她们与工作任务相关的技能。女工作人员向设施提供了积极的反馈,说这有助于她们改善工作表现和克服她们技能上的漏洞。同时,它也表明,通过在组织中启动辅导设施,它对组织的文化有一个有希望的影响,从员工的态度中增加的积极性和积极性可以看出。


Various kinds of coaching approaches have been discussed by Barton (2008); some of which are coaching for performance, coaching for skills, coaching for executive agenda and coaching for development. It is for the development of abilities and skills of the personnel that coaching for skills is associated with; this allows conducting a task which is taken care of by the organization’s internal coaches. The focal point in case of coaching for performance is the job performance of the employee and the coaching aims at bringing improvement in what they do. Like, coaching for performance would cover the development of the team management skills in a project manager (Caplan 2003). The notion of capacity building is covered under coaching for development which is identical to leadership development function of mentoring and succession planning. Moreover, the use of coaching for employees operating on executive position is described by executive coaching. The sole focus of coaching in an organization is to render the employees to develop some sort of personnel skills of management. In addition, the usefulness of coaching has been demonstrated by Baron and Morin (2010) in enhancing self-efficacy of the executives. In terms of efficient team work and improved performance of the employees, coaching has proved to be useful for many organizations. Also, by means of using these tools the firm is able to develop the skills of leadership in the employees who are good performers.

Executive coaching is also linked to the potential of enhancing the capabilities of the employees at the same time making them prepared for taking up any kind of leadership roles in the near future. At the same time, for an organization the increased level of skills of the employees acts as a competitive advantage to the firm (Friginal 2007). Organizations are required to adapt to the changes which they are exposed to regular changes occurring in the external environment. Also, it is difficult to imitate soft skills hence it renders the firm with a sustainable way to gain a competitive advantage in the market. The effectiveness of coaching has been explored by Antal (1993) by taking an example of ABB Sweden. The firm took into practice the system of coaching the female employees in order to develop their skills associated to the tasks in their job. Positive feedback was provided by the female personnel to the facility by stating that it helped them to improve their job performance and overcome the loopholes in their skills. At the same time, it also showcased that by launching the coaching facility in the organization it had a promising effect on the culture of the organization as seen by the increased motivation and positivity in the employees’ attitude.