

Teamwork is a crucial part of a hospitality business. Teamwork means that employees are together trying to cooperate with each other, using their skills to provide constructive feedback. The main purpose of this report is to discuss regarding the beneficial effects of teamwork in an advancement of hospitality industries and their difficulties in some extent. This report is also concerned about overcoming such challenges. Few recommendations have been given to the further improvement. However, the different organizations have been suffering from different issues. This report has clearly suggested that we need teamwork for the betterment of our future as well as organizations.

To overcome the challenges, it needs cooperation between the managers, subordinates which leads to interactions, which encourage the teamwork (Fearon, 1999). Following things can be done to improve teamwork:
Friendly with co-workers- Team manager should maintain friendly atmosphere and let your employee feel that the employees are the best companions to work.
Give priority- In order to work well, every contribution from anyone should be appreciated as well as recognized individually. This will encourage their morale.
Coordination among the team members–If there will be harmony among the members; it will help in the implementations of new plans. The team members will give the privilege to share their thoughts and opinion on that context.
Encourage in group activities- It always encourages them to perform their work with help of groups which gradually develops cooperation, interaction with workgroup (Tom Owens, 1999).

In this discussion, it has been clear that hotel and hospitality industries needed teamwork for proving their better services to his customers, without teamwork no one can perform alone to achieve their goal. These types of industries have their cumulative goal which can only achieve by teamwork. For working in these types of industries, mind setup of joint effort is needed .The nature of this industry is two sides of one coin; no one can stand without another. Support, cooperation are the basic compounds of teamwork which helps in growth and development of these industries.

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