

因此,各组织邀请多文化就业,以满足这些当地和全球的需求。像劳动力一样,工作文化、招聘和培训实践等,都会改变组织文化。这种形式的多元文化环境无法在科学管理中得到欣赏,因为在科学管理中,重点是团体的主动性,工人的理解被简化为机器。工人,第三文化,背景和任何其他都是不必要的。Hofstede的维度等基于文化的理论优先帮助处于多元文化环境中的公司。例如,Hofstede基于国家的文化维度显示了一个以个人主义为导向的组织与接受集体主义的组织是如何相对立的(Hofstede Insights, 2018)。权力距离、规范导向、不确定性规避等方面都可以为组织所理解。科学的管理方法没有把重点放在这些方面。从我所经历的英国职场的组织文化来看,英国是一个权力距离较小的国家,这一点可以从组织内部管理者与下属的互动方式中看出。同样,英国的个人主义得分也很高,这表明英国培养个人发挥独特的作用,为社会做出贡献(Hofstede Insights, 2018)。这在组织中是可以观察到的,因为成员被赋予了职责,并被期望各自承担责任和责任。全球组织变得更加灵活,而不是生产标准化或管理标准化。科学管理的优点开始变成缺点。

作为科学的管理和在科学管理下讨论的相关利益成为不利因素。泰勒的论点的优点是,它有助于理解组织在提高生产和利润方面的角色。这一理论理解了盈利和利润管理的系统方式(泰勒,2004),也理解了在非常标准的工作环境中的工作满意度。根据科学方法,当工人被提供一套标准的工具、原材料、机器和明确的工作职责时,他们往往不会感到困惑或不确定,因此,他们更满意(Kelly, 1982)。与后现代主义时代组织格局的变化和组织理论的演进相比,科学管理的同样主张也存在一些缺陷。例如,科学管理强调盈利和管理(Hummel, 2014;Burrelland库珀,2015)。然而,在当前的经济中,重点已经从制造业转向以服务业为基础的经济。许多行业也是围绕服务范式创建的(Grönroos, 1994)。在这里,与管理服务质量相比,生产的增加并不那么重要。


Organizations hence invite multicultural employment to meet these local and global needs. Like the workforce, the work culture, the hiring and training practices, etc., will change the organizational culture. This form of multicultural environment cannot be appreciated in scientific management where the focus is on group initiatives, and worker understanding is reduced to a machine. The worker, third culture, background and any other are not necessary. Culture-based theories like Hofstede’s dimensions take precedence for assisting companies in their multicultural environments. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions based on nations, for instance, show how individualism-oriented an organization is as opposed to embracing collectivism (Hofstede Insights, 2018). Aspects of power distance, normative oriented, uncertainty avoidance, and more are understood for the organization. The scientific management approach did not focus on these aspects. Considering the organizational culture of the workplace in the UK that I experienced, the UK is a country with less power distance, and this is observed in the way managers interact with subordinates within the organization. Similarly, the UK has a high individualist score indicating that the country trains individuals to play a unique role and contribute to society (Hofstede Insights, 2018). This is observed in the organization, as members are given duties and expected to take up responsibility and accountability individually. Instead of standardization of production, or standardization for management, global organizations became more flexible. The very pros of scientific management was starting to become cons.

Management as science and the associated benefits that were discussed under scientific management became disadvantages. Merits of Taylor’s argument were that it helps to understand the organization’s role in improving their production and profits. A systematic way of profit-making and profit management was understood with this theory (Taylor, 2004), and also, an understanding of job satisfaction in a very standard work environment. According to the scientific method, when workers are provided with a standard set of tools, raw materials, machines and defined job duties, then they tend not to be confused or uncertain, and hence, they are more satisfied (Kelly, 1982). The same pros of scientific management had some flaws when considering against the changing landscape of organizations and evolving organizations theories in the postmodernism times. For instance, profit-making and management are highlighted in scientific management (Hummel, 2014; Burrelland Cooper, 2015). However, in current economies, the focus has shifted from manufacturing to service-based. Many industries are created around the service paradigm, as well (Grönroos, 1994). Here, the increase of production is not given that much importance as compared to managing service quality.

Sociological change points were viewed, as well, and the management did not dictate control over workers to maximize production. Workers had labor power, which they used to bargain with the management (consider the pro presented earlier of how workers will be more satisfied when there is standardization). This was true during the time when workers were satisfied with working on central objectives and defined production teams during a time of job uncertainty, war, and welfare management situations (Webster, 2014; Hatch, 2018). However, as of present times, a standard set of tools and processes will not satisfy the worker. With respect to satisfaction in the workplace, the worker has to focus on many things and needs some degree of autonomy to make their decisions. For instance, my personal experience is that I worked part-time as a front-line employee in a restaurant during school days, and it was necessary to make some on-the-spot decisions. Relying on a defined set of routines to handle unexpected problems could also result in issues in the workplace; in such cases, neither can the scientific management theory be applied productively nor can the associated benefits be realized.
