
英国论文代写:加州坚果行业的安全问题。“自2013年以来,价值1000万美元的35卡车杏仁、核桃和开心果在加州消失了。”坚果的偷盗和损失几乎存在于供应链的每一步。这不是一个可以局限于供应链任何部分的问题。然而,最近的报告显示,在运输和分销端有坚果盗窃的增加(Rose, 2016)。现在供应商可以采取措施,以确保盗窃不会发生在他们的终端。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们分析下加州坚果行业的安全问题。




The thefts are quite sophisticated in that the thieves make use of the vulnerabilities in the supply chain (Daniels, 2015). An example is the cargo theft, where the distributors are tricked into giving the criminals the cargo as they either scam the IT system used by distributors and has them legitimately believe that they are the ones who should receive the nuts cargo. Sometimes, a driver with no proper paperwork drives off with a truckload of expensive nuts and drops them elsewhere for a good price.

The vulnerabilities in the supply chain are 1) lesser accountability where paperwork’s are not read well. People should do a thorough job of checking the papers of drivers before releasing the shipment instead of hurriedly releasing shipments and focusing on clearing the warehouses. 2) The IT systems used to make the supply chain efficient must be checked for vulnerabilities and security issues.

Sourcing/ Supply End: In the sourcing supply end, nuts are just harvested and are dried and are being sent out to respective processing units. Now when the supplier can have taken steps to ensure that thieving does not happen at their end. Firstly, when they dry the nuts in their harvesting houses, they should ensure there is some revolving security. Secondly, when they send nuts to processing units, they must ensure that all forms are filled out by the driver. The driver credentials must be checked, and also invoice and other details. This will ensure there is no error later. At present, a multi-county task force is being proposed. The purpose of this task force is to work against nut thefts by passing legislature to make strict the laws against cargo theft. “Besides creating the task force, which would involve law enforcement from Tulare County and 17 other counties, the bill also would create standards to detect and track cargo theft. Though the legislation was requested by the Western Agricultural Processors Association, the idea for the task force came from Boudreaux in response to several thefts of semi-trucks full of nuts — mostly pistachios and almonds — from processors in Tulare County and other parts of the state” (Castellon, 2016, para. 3). Therefore, it can be understood that there are multiple stakeholders in the set wanting to see justice.
