


政治:乐购的商业活动受到一个国家政治环境的强烈影响。政治因素,如外商直接投资政策和补贴的因素,必须正确理解公司在开始其在中国业务(Humby et al.,2008)。除此之外,促进西欧和东欧之间的贸易正在证明一个平台,特易购扩大其零售网络在欧盟(欧盟)。
经济:一个国家的经济发展直接影响着公司的盈利和销售。经济因素决定了顾客的购买行为,直接影响公司的销售收入和增长(Humby et al.,2008)。由于全球金融危机的影响,英国经济的衰退导致公司的财务增长因销售下滑而显著损失。然而,英国经济衰退后的发展正为乐购改善其在英国市场的业务销售提供了机会。
社会因素:年龄分布、消费习惯等社会因素对Tesco绩效有显著影响。在英国的人口的年龄分布是不均匀的影响公司的增长和盈利(Humby et al.,2008)。年轻一代正在下降,英国人口中有大量的老年人。与年轻一代相比,老龄化人口不太可能去超市购物,这导致英国零售市场的销售额下降。
技术因素:技术因素直接影响食品杂货零售商的价值链和运作过程。食品零售商的经营受到互联网的影响,从而增加了公司的销售额。开展公司网站乐购网上购物增加了销售收入的增长和乐购(Humby et al.,2008)。因此,网上零售购物是食品零售业的主要革命之一,它影响了英国市场上大量零售商的经营业绩。


PESTLE framework identifies the dynamic and unpredictable external environmental factors that impact the Tesco performance:
Political: The business operations of Tesco are strongly impacted by the political environment of a country. Political factors such as foreign direct investment policies and subsidy factors must be properly understood by the company before starting its business operations in a country (Humby et al., 2008). In addition to this, promotion of trade between Western and Eastern European is proving a platform to Tesco for expanding its retail network in the European Union (EU).
Economic: Economic development of a country has a direct impact on the profitability and sales of the company. Economic factors determine the buying behaviour of the customers and that directly impact the sales and growth of the company (Humby et al., 2008). The recession of the UK economy due to global financial crisis leads to significant loss in the financial growth of the company due to its declining sales. However, economic development in the UK after recession is proving opportunity to Tesco for improving its business sales in the UK market.
Social: Social factors such as age distribution and consumer eating habits have strong impact on the Tesco performance. Uneven age distribution in the UK population is impacting the growth and profitability of the company (Humby et al., 2008). Younger generation is declining and there is large number of old people in the UK population. The aging population is less likely to travel to supermarkets as compared to the young generation and this result in decline on the sales of the company in UK retail market.
Technological: Technological factors directly influence the value chain and operational process of the grocery food retailer in major way. The operation of food retailers is affected by the use of internet that results in increasing the sales of the company. The launching of company website by Tesco for online shopping has resulted in increasing the sales and revenue growth of Tesco (Humby et al., 2008). Thus, online retail shopping is one of the major revolutions in food retailing sector that influences the business performance of large number of retailers in the UK market.