

一个有效的面试进行仔细的计划,适当加上提供机会观察申请人的属性将影响性能的工作,如沟通能力和推理能力,获得额外的数据在教育、经验,申请人的利益相关工作,确定范围的知识,技能和能力的申请人,申请人的优势和劣势比较,描述了工作让野心家知道什么是预期,他们需要做什么以及促进机构的社会公众形象。从这个角度来看,基本上有4种面试方式。这些风格包括情境、剖析个性、压力和行为(Patton 2002)。情境风格的面试决定了申请人如何回应现实工作环境中的情况,这些环境具有通过假设假设、角色扮演或实际情况来解决问题的能力。性格类型的面试有助于评估成功选择一名有抱负的人所需要的基本特征。基于压力的面试提供了衡量申请人应对压力的能力的方法(Pawlas 2009)。对行为方法的采访是基于先前的表现的问题,假设有抱负的人至少能够在他之前的职位上做得很好。此外,还有不同的招聘面试结构。这些内容包括结构化、非结构化和半结构化。结构化面试包括对预先计划的性质进行面试的方法。某些面试官更喜欢以特定的顺序提问,也有其他的面试官采取了一种放松的态度,但却像之前计划的那样解决每个问题。在反对雇佣歧视和选择歧视的问题上,结构化面试是必不可少的,因为每个应聘者都有类似的问题(Trochim 2010)。在一次非结构化的面试中,面试事先并没有准备好回答问题,也没有准备好让求职者设定面试的速度。


An effective interview is the one which is planned carefully and conducted appropriately along with providing opportunities like observing the attributes of an applicant that will impact the performance in job such as communication ability and reasoning ability, obtaining extra data on the education, experience, interests related to job of the applicant, identifying the range of knowledge, skills and competencies of the applicant, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant, describing the job to let the aspirant know what is expected and what they need to do along with promoting the agency’s public image in the society. From this perspective, there are basically 4 Interview styles. These styles are inclusive of situational, profiling personality, stressing and behavioural (Patton 2002). The Interview of situational style determines the way in which applicant provides response to situations in real working environment that have the ability of being measured by hypothetical assumptions, role playing or real situations to solve problems. The profile of personality type of interview helps in evaluating the essential traits required for successful selection of an aspirant for a position. Stress based interviews provide through measuring the abilities of the applicants to deal with high situations of stress (Pawlas 2009). The interview of behavioural approach is based on questions of previous performance taking the assumption that the aspirant will at least be able to do well in a position which is new to him based on the position of the person previously. Furthermore, there are different structures of recruitment Interviews. These are inclusive of structured, unstructured and semi-structured. Structured Interviews involves taking an approach to interview with questions of pre-planned nature. Certain interviewers prefer asking questions in a specific order and there are others who take the approach of being relaxed yet addressing every question as planned before. The structured interview is essential as a defence in opposition to hiring discrimination and selection discrimination because every applicant is asked with similar questions (Trochim 2010). In an interview with unstructured nature, the interview does not previously prepare for questions and in urn allowing applicants for setting Interview pace.