


电影做得非常好,吸引了观者的眼球,使观者不断地思考这个事件和战争指挥官所表现的英雄主义(Cooke, 2011)。转换成电影语言,或多或少相当于观众可以容易理解和消化的一种标准语言形式,但与在德国现场实际发生的情况并不完全相同。这种影响是巨大的和情绪化的,并保持其魅力和记忆活了很长一段时间。电影语言和电影的展示是为了长久地被人们记住,这就是为什么他以一种绝对吸引人的方式来展示这部电影,而且是为现在的观众准备的,据说这些观众的注意力持续时间很短。


This movie has done wonders because it was emotional full of hardships, the toils of the army life and how a mother of army men has to bear the loss. The conversion if fantastic with tragedy, fighting, overcoming, triumphing, winning, and persistence are the core ideas which are showcased in the movie through effective scenes. The effect of such a conversion makes one wonder about the fragile nature of life and how it is about living on the edge of a sword and can be taken away any time. Such an effect is largely on the audience and it leaves a mental print on their mind which does not erased easily but stays on for a long time and is reinforced with the repetitive version of the movie being showcased from time to time. Fury is another such cinema example which is a conversion from the historical event of the World War 2 where the army officer charges against a tank and five men behind enemy lines and displays their heroic attempt of indulging behind the death zone and surviving and fighting with the enemies.

The movie is done up very nicely and catches the eye of the beholder with attraction such that the beholder never ceases to think about the incident and the heroism shown by the war commander (Cooke, 2011). The conversion into cinematic language is more or less equivalent to what is being acceptable as a standard form of language which the audience can easily understand and digest, whereas it is not exactly identical with what had actually happened at the site in Germany. The effect is large and emotional and keeps its charm and memory alive for a long time. The display of the cinematic language and the movie is meant to be remembered for long and that is why it is being showcased in a way which his absolutely engaging and meant for the current audience, who supposedly are alleged to have very short attention span.