


因此,任何大型运营商所做的工作可能包括假期销售和制作的每一个阶段(Stevenson and Sum, 2009)。公司规模越大,员工的每个角色就越专业化。他们也有独立的行政、人事和财政部门。此外,与预算管理有关的活动在决定管理人员应如何考虑应付挑战或问题时也是有用的。此外,主要目标不仅是满足预算集,而且确定改进范围也很重要。因此,通过定期管理预算,可以最大限度地进行运营分析(Hughes和Ballantyne, 2001)。这是通过经常提供一些提示来有效地集中精力改进控制财务业绩来实现的。在目前的情况下,英国的度假者通过旅行社购买这样的度假套餐,就属于套餐旅游的范围。

这些规定的责任是,如果任何服务于包装的某个组成部分的组织未能按照承诺交付,则组织者应作出适当的可选安排或考虑提供退款(Mintzberg et al., 2005)。在考虑包括航班在内的套餐时,组织者必须持有民航局管理下的航空旅行组织者执照。本计划负责确保旅客在旅游营办商遭受经济损失时取回他们的钱。为了保护消费者,旅行社还必须遵守其他一些框架。通过信用卡付款(金额超过100欧元)的游客也在保险范围之内,但这种保护仅限于某些借记卡。一些个人也在他们的家庭保险或旅行保险的保单条款范围内(Eagles, 2002)。


Therefore, the work performed by any large operator may be encompassing each and every stage in the sale and production of a holiday (Stevenson and Sum, 2009). The bigger the size of company, the more specialized each role of employee ends up becoming. They are also known to be having separate departments of administration, personnel and finance. In addition, activities related to budget management can be considered as useful in deciding how a manager should consider approaching a challenge or an issue. Also, the main goal is not just to meet the budget set, but it is also importance to identify the scope of improvement. Therefore, by regularly managing the budget, analysis of the operations can be conducted with maximum effectiveness (Hughes and Ballantyne, 2001). This is done by often providing hints for the effective focus of effort on the improvement of controlling financial performance. In the current scenario, holidaymakers of UK who purchase such holiday packages through a tour operator are covered under the Regulations of Package Travel.

These regulations are responsible for ensuring that if any organization serving a component of package face failure in delivering as per the promise, and hence the organizer should be making appropriate optional arrangement or consider providing refunds (Mintzberg et al., 2005).When considering packages that include a flight, an organiser should be having a License of Air Travel Organizer under the administration of Civil Aviation Authority. This scheme is responsible for ensuring that traveller obtain back their money if financial losses are faced by the tour operator. There are a number of other frameworks that must be adhered by tour operators for the protection of consumer. Tourists who make payment through credit cards (for amounts more than 100 Euros) are under coverage, but such protection is provided only for certain debit cards. Some individuals are also under the coverage of clauses in their policies of home insurance or travel insurance (Eagles, 2002).