


自拍文化在大众面前是迷人的,这是因为大量的人分享了这张照片,这使得它令人震惊和震惊。在Flickr和Tumblr等社交媒体网站上,有许多年轻人的博客,尤其是包含自我形象的博客。这些自画像是在各种智能设备上拍摄的,如i-phone、数码单反(SLR)和中画幅胶片相机等。各种社交媒体网站上的自拍质量从专业电影的奢华到廉价相机的像素化(Kedzior, Allen, & Schroeder, 2015)。自拍的统一被视为一种共同的痴迷,是一种自我塑造。自拍文化是一种受欢迎的自恋,这进一步帮助了高雅文化中的自我欣赏,也是一种基于美德的休闲消费。时尚在自拍文化中扮演着重要的角色。
像其他女摄影师一样,罗密欧深受第二波女权主义批评的影响,如劳拉·玛维。Laura Mulvey在关于女性在电影院的代表性的经典著作中提到(Peek, 2014)。在经典著作中,“男性凝视”一词是由马维引入的,用于批判性地探索权力动态的产生,可以作为证据,维护和消费的电影表现。网络形象和现实生活中的自我形象的主要区别在于,网络形象可以很容易地从外表上进行编辑,从而掩盖自拍中人们的真实身份。如果任何个人的形象在社交媒体平台上发布的任何其他个人,然后对方的图像可以很容易地删除和修改图像保持它的存在在社交媒体平台上更加一致,个人希望别人看到他们的形象。


The selfie culture is fascinating when it is taken among mass public and this is due to the large number of individuals sharing the image that makes it stunning and shocking. In the social media sites such as Flickr and Tumblr, there are numerous blogs of young individuals especially containing self-images. These self-portraits are taken from a wide range of smart devices such as i-phone, digital single- lens reflex (SLR) and medium-format film cameras etc. The quality of selfies on various social media sites ranges from lavishness of professional film to pixilation of cheap cameras (Kedzior, Allen, & Schroeder, 2015). The unification of selfies is seen as a shared obsession that is self-fashioning. The culture of selfie is an embraced narcissism that further helps in high culture navel gazing and also a consumption that is a virtue based leisure. An important role is being played by fashion in the selfie culture.
Romeo was highly influenced by the Second-Wave Feminist critiques such as Laura Mulvey like other female photographers. Laura Mulvey has mentioned in the canonical writings about the representation of females in cinemas (Peek, 2014). In the canonical writings, the term “male gaze” was introduced by Mulvey for critical exploration of the power dynamics generation that can be used as evidence, maintenance and consumption in the cinematic representation.The major difference in an online image and real life self image is that an online image can be easily edited in its looks that can cover the real identity of people in the selfies. If a image of any individual is posted on social media platforms by any other individual, then the person in the image can easily delete, and also modify the images for keeping its presence on social media platforms more consistent and present the image which individuals want others to see them.