

  Human rights are basic rights that have been referred to in most of the constitutions of the world. It is seen all over the world and each country that human rights are addressed and incorporated with significance. Therefore, it needs to be discussed, whether the concept of human rights is limited to these specific countries and cultures that incorporates them, or whether this concept is universal in nature. Keeping in mind the concepts of cultural relativism, cultural imperialism and neo-colonialism, the concept of human rights have been discussed further.

  The discussion provided above is theoretical in nature, which means that the UN wants human rights to be something that is provided to everyone all over the world without any distinction. However, the world that we are living in is seeing the practice of imperialism and capitalism, where in reality there are powerful states imposing their beliefs on others, making human rights redundant and relative. At the same time, racism, sexism, and discrimination on varied basis, deprive certain section of people of their human rights mostly because they belong to certain class or category or culture, which again is making human rights culturally relative (Addo, 2010).

  Thus, in conclusion, it can be said that theoretically human rights are universal. These are something that is emphasized by international bodies so that their characteristic of being universal can be emphasized which is being denied to people in many parts of the world. The discrimination exists because of various practices which are unwanted and degrading. Therefore, human rights theoretically are universal, but in reality deem to be culturally or territorially relative.

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