


根据Murthy (2010, p. 64)的定义,人才管理可以被定义为“管理员工的整个生命周期,从吸引和雇佣到晋升和找到退休后的接班人。”它还包括识别现有人才与推动业务成功所需人才之间的关键差距。”

在基于人才绩效标准的文献中,有两种主要但不同的人才管理观点(Sullivan, 2005;十字架,2007)。一种观点认为人才是未经培训的个人,并主张根据其绩效水平监督人才(Dessler, 2013)。详细地说,可以说,公司应该寻找高度熟练的表现,招聘他们,并奖励他们在特定的角色的表现(Harper, 2013)。这意味着一个组织将只有A级的执行者,没有B级或C级执行者的空间。这就是麦肯锡(McKinsey, 1997年)提出的“人才战争”。例如,组织之间会相互竞争,以招聘为数不多的最佳表现者(Dessler, 2013),不包括人才管理过程。

另一种观点认为,人才是一个组合,组织应该处理人才库的整体表现。这意味着公司应该拥有a、B和C级的人才,并欣赏他们的表现,以获得全面的成功。这些观点要求一个组织必须招聘和发展组织内的员工必须有适当的过程来与组织内的所有层次进行协作和沟通(Cross, 2007),包括人才管理过程。作为人才管道的人才管理过程中很少有步骤或阶段,它们是:







这里应该指出的是,无论立场是什么,在今天竞争激烈的商业环境中,至关重要的是有才华的员工在一个组织内的适当平衡。这里可以说明的是,人才管理的过程正变得至关重要和关键(Dessler, 2013)。

According to Murthy (2010, p. 64), talent management can be defined as “managing the entire employee lifecycle from attracting and hiring to promoting and finding a successor upon retirement. It also includes identification of the key gaps between the talent in place and the talent required to drive business success”.

There are two major, but dissimilar standpoints of talent management available in the literature based on the criteria of talent performance (Sullivan, 2005; Cross, 2007). One standpoint considers talent as untrained individuals and advocates supervision of talents according to their level of performance (Dessler, 2013). Elaborately, it can be stated that companies should look for highly proficient performers, recruit them and reward them apart from their performance in specific role (Harper, 2013). It means that an organization will have only A grade performers and there will be no room for B or C grade performers. This is what is considered as “War of Talent” as coined by McKinsey (1997). For example, organizations will compete with each other to recruit the scarce number of best performers (Dessler, 2013) exclusive of talent management process.

The other standpoint states that talent is a combination and organization should handle the overall performance of the talent pool. It means that companies should have a mixture of A, B and C grade talents and appreciate their performance to achieve overall success. These perspective demands that an organization must recruit and develop employees within the organization must have proper processes to collaborate and communicate with all the levels within the organization (Cross, 2007) inclusive of talent management process. There are few steps or stages in talent management process considered as talent pipeline, they are as follows:

Attracting and/or recruiting talents (A, B and C grade talents)

Rewarding as performance to motivate

Developing talents within organization and organizing them i.e. bringing in flexibility within the organization

Engaging and retention of the pool of talents

Tracking performance and managing performance (performance management process)

Exit policies.

It should be noted here that whatever may be the standpoint is, in today’s competitive business environment it is essential to have the right balance of talented employees within an organization. It can be stated here that the process of talent management is becoming vital and critical (Dessler, 2013).
