


这对于一个小公司来说是最好的策略,因为它没有一个专门的人力资源团队来管理员工。虽然结构是集中式的,但是组织应该具有适应性和灵活性。还应确保不发生与经营和战略有关的问题,因为鼓励和尽可能多地实施新思想,以及不干涉员工日常工作的文化。还应防止在指导过程中使用直觉,并应更多地依赖于分析,使过程不依赖于不确定性。市场机会是建立在取得重大收益的前景是代表企业进程的关键方面的承诺之上的。为建立一个新的企业而作出的决定是基于对确定一个独特机会的看法。机会的发展被认为是创业研究中的一个关键因素(Shane and Venkataraman, 2000)。不同的观点从建构主义和客观主义的角度对机会进行概念化。最适当的办法是采用人力资本办法来创造机会。
人力资本理论一直假设在开发与人力资本创业相关的特定或一般的机会时具有识别能力(Becker, 1975)。一般的人力资本侧重于建设工作经验和教育,而具体的人力资本则是基于技术能力、管理经验、行业知识、所有权经验等要素。风险投资家对团队管理进行投资,以培养他们执行商业计划的能力。VC的下一步考虑是将业务目标锁定在大的市场机会上。他们希望从投资中获得巨额回报。有了他们坚持让创业者雇用的强有力的经理人,他们试图确保初创企业在短时间内实现数百万美元的价值增长。风险投资对初创公司的期望是,他们的商业计划必须包括对具体市场规模的分析。此外,投资者更愿意投资于具有竞争优势的产品和服务,这些产品和服务可能会持续很长时间。IT业务满足这些条件。


This is the best strategy for a small company where a dedicated human resource team cannot be afforded to manage the employees. Although the structure is centralized, the organization should be adaptive and flexible. There should also be ensuring that there is no occurrence of the issues related to the operation and strategy as new ideas are encouraged and implemented as much as possible along with a culture of noninterference in the employees’ day to day work. There should also be prevention of the use of intuition in directing process, and dependence should be more on analysis so that the process is not run on uncertainty.The marketable opportunities are developed on the promises that significant prospects to make gains are the key aspects representing the entrepreneurial process. The decision that is taken for creating a new venture emanates from a perception related to the identification of a unique opportunity. The development of opportunity has been considered a key factor in entrepreneurship research (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000). The different viewpoints conceptualize opportunities in terms of the perspective of either constructivist or the objectivist. The most appropriate approach is the adoption of human capital approach for the development of opportunities.
The theory of human capital has been assuming the recognition capacity in developing opportunities related to the entrepreneurship on the human capital that is specific or general (Becker, 1975). The general human capital is bent on building work experience and education, while the specific human capital is on the basis of the elements such as technical capabilities, experience of the management, knowledge of the industry, and experience of the ownership. The venture capitalists invest on the team management so that they develop the ability in executing the business plan. The VC’s next consideration is the targeting of the businesses to large market opportunity. They want large sized returns which come from their investments. With the potent managers that they insist the entrepreneurs to hire, they try to ensure that the start-ups grow millions of dollars in worth in quick time. The expectation of the VCs from the startup in question is that their business plans must include the analyses of the detailed market size. Further, the investors prefer to invest in products and services that are endowed with competitive edge and are likely to last for long. The IT business satisfies these conditions.