




比萨行业的主要竞争对手是必胜客(Pizza Hut)、Papa John ‘ s和Little Caesars。这三家竞争对手都在美国拥有特许经营连锁店。“爸爸约翰”正在发展国际形象,必胜客已经成为国际品牌。据估计,快速服务行业的价值在2012年将达到1700亿美元。这个行业的消费者支出约为2500亿美元。在这一背景下,人们注意到,大约30到350亿美元的总消费支出属于餐厅披萨类(Statista,2013)。该行业从2004年仅为122亿美元增长。在这一支出中,人们注意到,在披萨(只有)行业中,60%以上的消费支出来自于比萨连锁餐厅(包括加盟商和商店)。Dominos的主要竞争对手是必胜客。2012年,这一比例几乎占到了比萨行业市场的15%。达美乐披萨的市场占有率为9%,而约翰·约翰拥有6%的股份,小凯撒拥有4%的股份。其余的销售来自Pizzerias(Statista,2013)。


Data collected from more than 27 Franchise Disclosure Documents or the FDDs show that the takeout and delivery industry contributes to almost 6 to 12 percent of the total sales in restaurant franchise (Franchise Direct, 2010). The food takeout and delivery businesses are defined as a place where food is collected and taken to go by the customer. Some franchises of Dominos also offer sit down and eat style thus augmenting the benefits. The takeout and delivery industry was noted to be the most effective way to improve sales. There are conveniences created for the customer which businesses in this industry take advantage of. Adults with children were seen to be the majority of the consumption segment of the takeouts. Dominos Pizza is a takeout and delivery franchise. Operating in this industry it drives up its margins by lowering interest expenses, international store expansions and by increasing the product range for takeout (Kenji, H. 2003).
Pizza Industry
The main competitors for Dominos in the Pizza Industry are Pizza Hut, Papa John’s and Little Caesars. All three competitors have franchise chains in the United States. Papa John’s is developing international presence and Pizza Hut is already an international name. The Quick Service industry is estimated to have a value of 170 billion U.S. dollars as per the year 2012. The consumer spending in this industry is around 250 billion U.S. dollars. In this context, it was noted that almost 30 to 35 billion USD of the total consumer expenditure falls under the Restaurant Pizza category (Statista, 2013). The industry has grown from being only 12.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2004. In this expenditures it is noted that the more than 60 percentage of consumer expenditure in the Pizza (only) industry comes from Pizza restaurant chains (both franchisee and store owned). Dominos main competitor is Pizza Hut. This owned almost 15 percent of the Pizza Industry market in 2012. Domino’s Pizza owns a 9 percent market share, Papa John’s owns 6 percent and Little Caesars owns 4 percent. The rest of the sales are from Pizzerias (Statista, 2013)