
英国论文代写:使用第三方调解人的利弊。使用第三方谈判人员进行谈判将意味着各方可以得到专家对这个问题的建议。使用中立的第三方将有助于缓和谈判过程中的紧张局势。在早期阶段,各方已经有很多摩擦,第三方谈判人员将与利益相关者的不同部分坐下来,并将他们之间的解决方案和备选方案传达给他们(Spiller, 2007)。调解人起到了引导的作用,因此它能够为决策带来中立和客观。接下来英国论文代写专家将为同学们分析下使用第三方调解人的利弊。



还有其他的缺点,市长必须了解这些。例如,谈判过程可能导致ADR,这只能用于解决涉及金钱的纠纷(Lieberman, & Henry, 1986)。有些法律因素不能得到满足。例如,如果一方想要执行禁令,那么它就不能满足于在争端解决中进行公正的谈判。在立法中,对当事人有许多保障和豁免等。在谈判过程中,这些因素并不存在。在这类谈判中,很少会要求司法审查来检查最终结果。内部呼吁的存在可以增加各方的安全,但这在谈判进程中并不存在。在某些情况下,最终结果可能会被某些方面拒绝,这就意味着所有各方都在进行的整个谈判过程都白费了。

谈判人员在制定谈判计划时必须决定一些关键步骤,这将确保谈判以战略性的方式进行。首先,谈判者必须确定目标。所有党派的目标都应该有代表性(Kennedy, 2009;Sourdin, 2008)。其次,谈判者必须选择谈判策略。有四种类型的策略表现为规避、适应、竞争和合作。成功的谈判必须选择一种策略,并经历三个阶段,即启动阶段、谈判或解决问题阶段和最后的结束或解决阶段(Lewicki et al., 2010)。

The use of third party negotiators for the process will mean the parties receive expert advice on the problem. The use of a neutral third party will help reduce tensions during the process of negotiation. In the early stages, where each of the parties already has a lot of friction, third party negotiators will sit down with the separate segments of stakeholders and will convey options and alternatives for resolution between them (Spiller, 2007). The mediator serves as guidance and hence it is able to bring neutrality and objectiveness to decision making. In the case of the issues identified in Plinkton, each of the parties have concerns that overlap with one another. Sporty plinkton is worried about the losses, Department of Conservation is worried about the dying plants and people questioning them about their action, and Proper Plinkton is worried about the environment landscape. Having a third-party mediator will help each look at their unique set of concerns and their overlapping concerns. The Mayor by bringing in a third-party expert would be able to address the issues of the three parties by highlighting common concerns. This will assure the three parties that nobody is ignored over another (Kramer, 2016; Singer, 2018).

The cons of the negotiation process especially in the context of calling a third-party expert lies in that the third-party expert will add an extra layer of cost in dispute resolution. Expert negotiators will charge more money and the parties will have to spend more time or money on the process, especially if the parties want to bring in their own experts.

Other disadvantages exist, and the Mayor has to be briefed about these. For instance, the negotiation process can lead to ADR and this can only be useful in solving disputes that involve money (Lieberman, & Henry, 1986). Some legal elements cannot be satisfied. For instance, if one of the parties wants to carry out an injunction, then it cannot be satisfied with just negotiation in dispute resolution. In legislation, there are many safeguards and exemptions etc. available to the parties. In the case of the negotiation process, these elements are not present. In such negotiations, it is very rare to call in a judicial review to check the end outcomes. The presence of internal appeals could add security to the parties, but this does not exist in the negotiation process. There are situations where the end outcome could be rejected by some parties, and this would mean the entire process of negotiation that all parties went with goes waste.

Negotiators at the time of negotiation planning must decide on some key steps and this will ensure that the negotiation is carried out in a strategic way. Firstly, the negotiator must decide on the goals. The goals of all parties should be represented (Kennedy, 2009; Sourdin, 2008). Secondly, the negotiator has to select a negotiation strategy. There are four types of strategies in the form of avoidance, accommodation, competition and collaboration. Successful negotiations will have to select a strategy and go through three phases which are the initiation phase, the bargaining or problem-solving phase and finally the closing or resolution phase (Lewicki et al., 2010).
