

  Remember the Titans is a wonderful fiction. Coach Boone was responsible to train the players to win the Championship game. Coach Yoast took care of the White players. The movie stands as a good example for motivational and transactional leadership styles to achieve the objectives. Boone tried to prove that it is possible to bring about the best from any person despite the challenges in the society. His choice of coercive power has developed togetherness between the players. While the players were reluctant to his moves, Boone still stands as an inspiration to anyone who watches the movie because of his nature. Teamwork strategies are also highlighted in this paper. On the whole, the end of this movie creates magic in their efforts and ease in approaches and motivation.

  During the summer camp, Boone decided to deliberately pair the blacks with whites. Though others expressed inconvenience, he stuck to his principles and maintained discipline throughout (Bosselut et al, 2012). At most of the times, his leadership style expressed supervision, team performance and organization. In other words, his style enables the followers to experience punishments as well as rewards. Boone is self-motivating, persistent and ambitious in his approach. He was keen in bringing about the complete abilities from all the players. To fulfill this objective, he tried to be harder to them at times. His communication style was very much appropriate to his activities. Boone boldly believed that they should not be nurtured. Instead, they should be exposed to tougher experiences that will help them to unite and work together. Participative nature of Boone is also a part of transactional leadership style where he encourages and engages every team player towards the goal of winning in the championship game.

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