


  Use value can be defined as the utility of the product that is used in the consumption of the good. There is a satisfying power of good or service in a classical political economy. In the case of political economy, Marx states that there is a definitive labor-value and use-value of the product. The products are then marketed and traded as a commodity in the markets. It also has an exchange value known as the money price of the products. Marx states that the commodities which have been traded have a general utility or use of the products. This is based on the ideology that the products in general have a use amongst the people. The specific character of the economy however cannot be learned from this aspect (Appadurai,1994). There is transformation of the use value of the product to the social use value. In this process, the products become a commodity. This process is not an automatic process or spontaneous process. It have a number of technical, social and political precedents. It is possible to trade the products along with the ownership.

  To understand the concept of use value of a products, there should be understanding of the market trade, technical relationships between the differential economic activities that are required to create the product. Marx broadly classified these products as distinctions between the consumer goods and luxury. In the modern times, these are the examples of primary, secondary and tertiary products. There are also semi-durable and durable goods that are produced.

  Hence, according to Marx the use value of the product can be defined as the utility of the product to consume the good.

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