
英国论文代写推荐-Hofestede文化模型定义。Hofestede文化模型定义了分析一个地方文化的六大指标。它们分别是权力距离指数、个人主义、阳刚之气vs.、女性气质、长期取向和放纵因素。据观察,与其他国家相比,中国的人们普遍习惯较少的放纵。该国有一个强大的权力距离指数(Hofestde, 2011)。在中国有一个强大的阶级结构。这反映在他们的商业模式中。中国大部分企业都采用韦伯官僚制模型(Minkow & Hofestde, 2011)。中国人喜欢集体主义胜过个人主义。这也是人们与其他国家相比不那么放纵的另一个原因。许多人的观点是由集体主义的意图形成的。人们有长期的定位计划,这个国家在市场上有很强的男子气概和激烈的竞争。

Target consumers are identified as women in general. Chinese women who want traditional Chinese clothing can buy from this store. Other group of consumers is women who like to taste other cultural products (Kapferor, 2012). Being a multicultural society it is expected that there will be a natural curiosity of attire worn by indigenous Chinese people. Hence this group is also targeted in this scenario.

London, Manchester, Liverpool are considered as ideal locations to sell the product. These consumer markets are found to be adept to welcome new brands (Peck et al., 2013). There is high disposable income in these markets and people like to experiment with new brands and designs. Since it is a multicultural society and multiple ethnicities are pronounced in the cities there has been an increase. The reasons are explained in detail in the following.

Largest Chinese population is found in London followed by Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. From this it is understood that the Chinese population is segmented in the urban areas of UK (Kapferor, 2012). Hence marketing efforts will be directed towards the urban areas. Another factor for selecting locations like London and Manchester is that there is heterogeneity observed (Kapferor, 2012). People are from eclectic backgrounds and would like traditional Chinese clothing in order to understand about the culture.

Chinese origin people and people who want to experience different culture are the prime segmentation (Wedell & Kamakura, 2012). Chinese women and young urban women are considered to be the demography in the population who would be interested in buying the product.

Targeting of the consumers would be through mass media channels like television, direct channel marketing, social media and digital media tools. Based on these tools target consumers would be aimed.

The positioning of the product would be between Oriental company and Oriental pearl company. Products will be positioned as a brand that embraces traditional Chinese values.

In order to sell the product to the consumer the company should have inherent knowledge about the consumers. There must be a lot of research efforts taken in order to understand about the consumer perception, behaviour and decision-making process in UK in order to understand about average consumer in the UK markets. Analysis is made about perception, motivation factors to make the employees to buy the product. There is a marked difference in the cultures of China and UK. Hofestde model is used to analyze about the cultures of the two places. From this consumer decision process model is analyzed. From this model way to influence consumer’s decision to buy SEED products are determined.

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