

  The environmental problems and issues have a negative impact and have been increased the chemical pollutants in the environment. The environmental rules and regulations are implemented for controlling the impact of the pollution on the planet. The environmental law has the relevance to design product in the form of controlling the emission, energy efficient devices and friendly materials. The techniques have a direct relation to the laws in the form of the incentives for the activities that built for the benefit of the environment such as installation of the solar panels and fuel-efficient vehicles. Many of the regulators focus on important issues such as decreasing the emission of the green houses gases, prohibiting the fishing or hunting of the endangered species and banning of the destructive weapon that affects the environment is such as the atomic bombs. The environmental law is the collection of the regulations and laws pertaining to the water quality, air quality, endangered wildlife, wilderness and other environmental factors.

  The environmental protection is the responsibility of the regulators and the law enables the members to take part in the environmental assessment and environmental planning. The law provides criminal and civil penalties for the breach of the law. The law also enables to manage all the environmental impacts of using plans, standards and policies. The air, water and soil pollution have significant adverse impacts on the life of entire animals and plants of the planets and thus all the governments across the worlds provide great emphasis on developing effective environmental laws to protect the environment. These laws help in stopping the individuals and the organizations from violating the balance of the ecosystems and bio-diversity of the respective countries. However, the laws of different countries have different impact on the people who use to violate the balance of the ecosystem. This study is conducted to compare the environmental laws of three neighbour countries: China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and to find out which city has most effective environmental laws. This study will try to form few effective recommendations that help in improving the environmental situation of the city.

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