


这位摄影师开始为杂志《Sassy》工作,在商业背景下表演摄影,以改善她的艺术生涯。许多名人的画像被完成。她的专业是基于计算机技术开发的肖像画和绘画效果(Merola, 2010)。摄影师说她的肖像受到了商业摄影的影响。2011年,她开发了一系列玻璃天花板,包括水下拍摄。游泳者被纳入同步方式和摄影被放置在卡尔弗市游泳池。格林伯格在2012年出版了一本书,里面有马的照片,书名为《马》(Wacadlo et al, 2007)。摄影棚是用马环建成的,用于摄影。紧随其后的是2014年的加拿大摄影展《马》。这名摄影师的艺术风格被定义为独特的审美与创新,以及独特的空灵背光。
她最初的网站是以20世纪80年代德国摄影杂志为基础命名的机械手(Merola, 2010)。她的工作和她的职业生涯都集中在女权主义的问题上,就像最近的《玻璃天花板》(Glass Ceiling)系列源自她拍摄的商业广告,在广告中,游泳队的高跟鞋描绘了性的元素,同时还限制了她们的能力。格林伯格开发的另一个系列在2006年受到了一定程度的争议。这项工作的风格是在一个超特写的孩子们的脸,表现出高度痛苦的情绪。这些照片的目的是反映基督教原教旨主义和布什政府在美国(Wacadlo et al, 2007)的挫折。


The photographer had started working for the magazine named Sassy in performing photography in commercial context in improving her artistic career. A major number of portraits were completed on the celebrities. Her specialty is based on portraiture and painting effects developed by the technology of computer (Merola, 2010). It is stated by the photographer that her portraits were influenced by the commercial photography. There was a series of Glass Ceiling developed by her in the year of 2011 involving below water shooting. Swimmers were included in synchronized manner and the photography was placed in the Culver City pool.A book was published in the year of 2012 by Greenberg containing photographs of horses and it was named Horse (Wacadlo et al, 2007). The photo studio was built with the usage of horse rings for the purpose of photography. This was followed by the Canadian exhibition containing photography from Horse in the year of 2014. An artistic style of this photographer is defined to be distinct and aesthetic with innovation along with distinct ethereal backlighting.
Her initial website was branded by the name of The Manipulator on the basis of photography magazine from 1980s Germany (Merola, 2010). Her work along with the career was focused on the issues of feminism, as the recent Glass Ceiling series derived from the commercial shoot she undertook, wherein the swim team had high heels depicting the element of sexuality along with hampered ability. Another series was developed by Greenberg that was subjected to controversy to an extent in the year of 2006. This work was styled in a hyper close-ups of the children faces that showed highly distressed emotions. The photographs were aimed to reflect the frustration with the Christian Fundamentalism along with the administration of Bush within United States (Wacadlo et al, 2007).