

It has been established from the research on research methodology approaches that variety of authors often use either a quantitative or qualitative research method for the purpose of addressing the research objectives. However, various researchers have argued that many studies have obtained more effective and efficient outcomes through pursuing a mixed research method that makes use of two or more research methods. It was found that while extensive information of existing nature can be gained from the literature review, it will not be able to provide with the new information required for addressing the research objectives of this research project. Various advantages are offered by the conduct of literature review since it can save the time of the overall research involved by identifying the concepts and theories which already exist and developing the research project over the established concepts. Therefore, the literature review presented in the initial section of this project elaborated on the customer satisfaction theories and tourism related elements that are present across Valencia. The limitations of the literature review will be addressed through the inclusion of the interview as a research method in order to obtain the primary information from the participants.
Therefore, the above rationale suggested that mixed research method of literature review and interview to be effective. The mixed methods was used for leveraging the information obtained from the literature and probing 10 European participants that were visitors to Valencia in order to understand the reason behind their visit and the key factors that motivated them.

The data collection method used in this research project was the interview. The interview method could be applied in wide range of actions such as undertaking personal face to face interview, telephonic interview, questionnaire based survey and observation among more. However, the most appropriate data collection method found for this research project is the web based survey questionnaire interview. The closed ended structured questionnaire was developed consisting of the questions surrounding the elements of tourism to determine which factors are the most prevalent and motivates the visit to Valencia. The questionnaire was developed with the focus on visitors. Hence, total of 10 questions were developed that was aimed to be completed by total of 10 visitors from the European origin. The primary area of concern across the questions was the nature of visit being work or leisure based, pre-planning or prompt nature of visit to Valencia, environment and infrastructure to be the reasons behind the selection of Valencia, extent of the nightlife enjoyed by the visitors, dining and indulgence was evaluated through some of the questions and the factor that makes Valencia distinct from other cities that can be visited remained within the focus of the questionnaire. This allowed relevant questions to be developed that can be instantly answered by any visitor of Valencia. The data was collected through the email and website namely surveymonkey.com. The data was collected in a digital manner to ensure that the participants can provide with the responses at their own convenience and comfort. This was considered to ensure that the responses are not provided in hurry and all the responses are well thought and accurate.

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