

雪上加霜的是,英国人口老龄化问题正给公共支出带来额外压力。根据预算责任办公室(OBR)的预测,到2020年,国家债务占GDP的比例将从80%降至54%,然后再次开始增长。保持人口老龄化的财务成本,进一步£200亿的需要增加税收或削减开支从2020年开始,以保持国家债务水平等于衰退前的一个在未来50年时间。根据OBR的数据,目前,威尔士和英格兰65岁以上的人口占总人口的18%,到2065年,这一比例将增加到26%。这将导致在社会保健、养恤金和保健方面的公共开支增加。这将导致政府的基本余额减少。除支付债务利息外,收入和支出的差距将扩大。到2064-65年,2019- 2020年2.1%的GDP盈余最终将变成1.9%左右的赤字。



To add fuel to the fire, the issue of Ageing UK population is putting additional strain on the public spending. As per the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) by 2020 that national debt would decrease from 80% of GDP to 54% and then start increasing again. To maintain the financial cost of ageing population, further £20bn of tax increases or spending cuts is needed from 2020 so as to keep the national debt levels equal to pre-recession one in coming 50 years time.According to The OBR, the population of Wales and England which is above 65 years of age is 18 percent today and is bound to increase to 26 percent by 2065. This would result in greater public expenditure on social care, pensions and health. The consequence of this would decrease in primary balance of the government. The gap in revenue and expenditure, other than debt interest payment, would widen. The GDP surplus of 2.1 percent in 2019-20 would eventually turn into deficit of about 1.9 percent by the year 2064-65.

As per OBR, the national debt of the country are likely to reduce to 54 percent from current 80 percent by beginning of 2030s. However, if the ageing issue is not appropriately addressed, it would again rise and in around next 50 years it would reach 87 percent of the GDP. The rising of debt would set non recoverable economic conditions in the country thereafter (Elliott, 2015).Some of the major challenges faced by the country because of ageing population include wide gaps in employment market, lack of updated skills and workforce in public services and businesses, increasing economic pressure and quality of social services and healthcare. The options present with the government are to increase the retirement age of present workforce. The gap in labour and skills can be fulfilled by encouraging and sustaining migration levels. Encouraging pension schemes led to saving among taxpaying working population and keeping them healthy and active is one of the important aspect (Royal geographical society, 2015).