

  Women’s daily chores included childcare, cooking, serving, spinning, weaving, clothes making, and also in managing home affairs with the currency given by her husband. In basic, women was in charge of the home and everything that happened inside, and this was no minor act as construed upon by many today, because the very act of degrading an act itself is questionable and suspicious. Women, though a homemaker, were more wise and beautiful, evident in the sagas that describe about the beauty and wisdom of women, who singlehandedly manages all home tasks along with the childcare. This is unlike today, where women even stop breastfeeding to young ones and go back to work owing to work pressure and higher cost of living, which is considered detrimental to the overall growth of the child (Clark 103). These issues were not a part of the Vikings age, because women enjoyed and embraced their feministic life conduct and they thus became wise and remained beautiful owing to lack of inclinations to become masculine.

  Interestingly, women doing magic was considered feminine and a man entering that zone would be severely looked down (Jorybu). This indicates the tendencies of the gender towards their respective roles in society and, more importantly, their disinclination to disrupt or enter each other’s respective duties. Women enjoyed freedom to reach higher ranks of individuals and occupy higher class status because of the structure of the society. The culture is sometimes referred to nothing less than an egalitarian one, resembling the current culture (Kämmerer and Reventlow 85). The social status of women revolved around the different classes in the Vikings age, and it was more or less distinguished in its ability to grant women the freedom that was available through their laws and rules. Even the women of the lowest class, Jarls, were treated with respect. They thought that they being slave were vulnerable to exploitation. The slave category of the class was the dark side of the Viking age, and women is said to have suffered more than men. However, the Thralls, the aristocratic class, were busier among them and did not interfere in the Jarls class system or exploited their women.

  Women, thus, enjoyed more feministic freedom, which as per the Vikings, was a divine decree to be followed and which the women embraced without hesitation. The Viking women were a full blown human who not only made great contributions to their respective feministic duties but also to the wars and the defensive battles with outcaste invaders. The Viking women are considered an embodiment and a personification of complete women which remain ever engaged and loyal to her duties and divine decree. Her contribution is immense in keeping the lineage of the Viking age live for centuries and makes her own mark in establishing a special place for herself. Comparatively, the current modern women are losing her grip on the feminism that she is so gifted with and which is so much capable than masculism. A culture continues to enrich because of the women and this made the Vikings women much more valuable and wise.

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