

  When compared to this specifically different live experience, the underlying implication is that consuming text of television can be considered as a secondary experience. However, with technical advancements like slow motion replays, multiple angles of camera, advanced graphics, 3D, flat screen, high definition, almost instant compilation of game montage and technical adjudication of umpire, the experience of viewing match at home is considered to be superior for many in comparison with the live event. With the difficulty and cost to attend an event live and a number of options of viewing for offering accessibility and development of new systems of delivery, majority of the fans of sports now can be considered viewing sport by a mediated form while never attending a major event in stadium or any live game. Some do not perceive the value to attend the game, as there is denial of the intimacy perceived in context with mediated text (Potter, 2006). Involvement can be referred to as the perceived relevance of a person related to the object on the basis of inherent interests, values and needs. When engaging to analyze the relationship that is present between television based sports viewership and sports based involvement, it has been depicted that such kind of involvement can be depicted effectively through the use of appropriate variable. For example, the variable can be the limit till which there exists any televised sports based relevance or needs fulfillment. This is a good factor to predict the examination over relationship. Also, it is easy to depict that involvement based affective and cognitive dimensions are evident in the form of stronger relationship with sports viewed over television (Nesbitt and King, 2010).

  Watching sports personally or over TV are modes of viewership generally preferred by sports fans. For various fans, television engages to provide an important stadium based experience access. When fans are not able to obtain the ticket to their favorite sporting activity or when they are not able to have a closer look at their sport based celebrity, they realize that television is an essential medium by which the live sporting event can be seen and enjoyed. Audience activity furthermore allows to understand whether the fans have enjoyed their sporting event or not. When compared to this specifically different live experience, the underlying implication is that consuming text of television can be considered as a secondary experience.

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