
  英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议。新西兰的Te Whariki是教育部的一项倡议,教育部是新西兰政府的一个行政机构,旨在承认和确定幼儿课程的宗旨和目标。这是一个面向儿童的项目,旨在社会文化背景下的儿童学习和发展。这个项目的重点是区分老师和家长,以及家庭成员。该计划以文件的形式规定了工作人员和幼儿的职责和责任。本课程不断努力,在以社区为中心力量的指导下,协助实现和创造儿童发展的目标。它点燃了新西兰持续的教育质量水平升级的火花。这一概念是为儿童提供高质量教育服务的基础。论文范文英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议分享给留学生阅读。

  New Zealand’s Te Whariki is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, an administrative body of the New Zealand government towards the recognition and orientation towards the aims and objectives of the early childhood curriculum. It is a children oriented program aimed in the learning and development of the children (te whariki) within a socio-cultural context (Hägglund & Samuelsson, 2009). The main emphasis of this program is the differentiation between teachers or “kaiako”, parents and the family members or “whanau”. The program, in the form of a document, specifies the duties and the responsibilities of the staffs as well as the toddlers. The curriculum makes continuous efforts to assist in the achievement and creation of the development of the child under the guidance of the community acting as the central force. It ignites the spark for the escalation of the level of quality of education persisting in New Zealand. This concept acts as the base for the delivery of the high quality education services for the young children.

  The whole document of the curriculum comprises of four sections, the main theme of which is to cater to the specific and the special needs of the children. The first and the third section deals with the summarization of the goals, principles, and stands of the curriculum which include the broad description of the stages present in the development and learning process of the children through an analysis of the planning, evaluation and the assessment of the relevant principles (Siraj, 2009). The second part comprises of the actual activities that are undertaken for the provision of education to the young children before they make progress towards the main elementary schooling. The last section developed essential linkages between the essential skills and the essential learning areas, acting as a guideline or a conceptual framework for the different schools.

  This is a curriculum especially designed for the children, from their birth to their progress towards the elementary schooling. As a commencement to the envisioning of the key skills, abilities of a child in its tender age, the curriculum fosters new ways and opportunities for learning processes that initiate primarily at home and progress towards maturity at the schools (Halgunseth, 2009). The curriculum emphasizes on the advanced and modern ways of learning as a means of response to the social and cultural context and the creation of associated reflexive relationships of the child. This is on the basis of the performance of the activities by the children and achievement of the experiences and observation skills through the means of proper guidance by the parents and the peers.

  The cultural heritage associates along with the governmental agencies have realized the need for the provision of equal and better educational facilities for the children before the initiation of the elementary schooling (Sarama & Clements, 2009).

  Education is an important contributor behind the development and attainment of the maturity of the children. If the children receive proper education along with the guidance of the parents and the teachers in schools, then they will gain new ideas, experience and observational skills, which will enhance their abilities and capabilities for the initiation of the elementary and pre-schooling. Therefore, this essay proves successful in establishing this fact with a special reference to the curriculum for early childhood education persisting in New Zealand. The essay also proves beneficial in assisting the administration of different schools in the provision of basic education to the children from their tender age.

  论文范文英国论文代写-新西兰政府的Te Whariki倡议就为留学生分享到这里。英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!