

  The industry of video games in UK is a cyclical business. The software titles performance is dependent strongly over the hardware technical capabilities for which their designing is done and such capabilities have dramatically advanced since the past 3 decades. According to the 2600, system of Atari released in the year 1977, which was the first console of video game containing CPU and featured processors, much changes in the industry were brought forward. Hardware generally further has its individual lifecycle (Nisbett, 2005). These lifecycles for 6 recent generations of consoles have also come forward. As each game can be designed for a particular console, a lifecycle stage for a generation influences the sales of video games at that particular time.

  Game customers today can select among a wider gaming platform range. Additionally, to the present home consoles for gaming, several firms have also released systems of handheld nature that have enjoyed a good share in the market ever since the year 2005.

  Behaviours of complexity leadership have been depicted for improvising performance of team, increase the organization ability of adapting and innovating and promoting outcomes of quality. Losada, (1999), for example, found that those teams which display complicated behaviours of leadership performed appropriately that those teams demonstrating characteristics of command and control. Leykum et al, (2007), further discovered that interventions of organizations depicted much complicated features leading towards better outcomes (Martin, 2009). The Complexity leadership theory characteristics are inclusive of inter-relationships leadership recognition, emergence and innovation being fostered. This theory recognizes the interaction of dynamic nature that occurs across organizations as they start changing, creating innovation and evolving with focus over complicated relationships and interactions of networks instead of control, standardize and autocratic assumptions (Morgan, 2006). Such observations point towards a requirement of conducting an empirical research to determine new ways of conceptualization, wherein leadership influences quality and innovation.

  For video games companies to accommodate finance structures and innovations to enhance quality and transition themselves from volume to services of value, leadership therefore should have a focused over collaboration, individual organization and strong networks construction between system agents.

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