

每个组织都有员工的财务和非财务奖励。然而,这种奖励的规模和程度不同于该组织所采取的具体项目的利润。巴克莱一直向员工提供这两种奖励,以无形奖励和有形奖励形式发放。现金奖励仅仅是完成某些重要项目的动力,或者仅仅是需要在截止日期之前完成的项目。现金奖励会激励人们朝着一个目标努力,是比较困难的,可以看出,员工往往达到难以寻找目标如果有雇主现金奖励(Peltier et.al,2005)。非现金奖励也很重要,因为有些员工根本不寻求现金奖励,可能会看到有意义的回报,他们会感到满意和完成。有时,现金奖励也来自银行的客户,在规定的时间内完成项目。这是直接从银行的客户给银行雇员的。有形的奖励是非现金奖励具有货币价值,喜欢旅游、商品、礼品卡等(方案等,2003)。目标难度也关联到一个积极的员工的绩效(2002洛克和莱瑟姆),因此当银行需要鼓励和授权员工一个很难达到的目标,它也可能在这样的情况下,增加了员工激励引入现金或非现金奖励。这会对员工的绩效产生倍增效应,而且大部分目标正在达成。


Every organisation has financial and non-financial rewards for their employees. However, the magnitude and extent of such rewards differ by the profit of a specific project taken up by the organisation. Barclays has been giving both types of rewards to employees and it does it in the form of intangible rewards and tangible ones. Cash rewards are simply a motivator to finish certain projects of superior importance or simply projects which needs to be finished before the deadline. Cash rewards tend to motivate people to work towards a goal which is more difficult and it is seen that employees tend to reach difficult looking goals if there is a cash reward from the employer (Peltier et.al, 2005). The non-cash rewards are also important because some employees simply are not looking for a cash reward and may look at a meaningful rewards through which they would feel satisfied and complete. Sometimes the cash rewards are also from the clients of the bank for finishing a project in a stipulated time. This is being directly given from the bank’s client to the bank’s employees. Tangible rewards are non-cash rewards having monetary value like travel, merchandise, gift cards, etc. (Condly et.al, 2003). The goal difficulty is also associated to a positive performance from employees (Locke and Latham, 2002), and hence when the bank needs to encourage and empower their employees to reach a difficult goal, it may also introduce either cash or non-cash rewards in such cases which adds up to the employee encouragement. This produces a multiplier effect on the employee performance and mostly the goals are being reached.
Cash and non-cash rewards sometimes become necessary to change the entire organisational behaviour when it is facing a performance crisis and it is lagging behind of its competitors. Employees see these rewards as bonuses and cash rewards help some employees to pay for their extra expenses.