



To emerge out of this poignant situation, the civil authority and administration is needed to play the most active role. Proper planning of the transportation system is needed to be developed. In supplying the agricultural products in the market of UK, Lincolnshire is having the lion share. With time as it seems that the traffic congestion is getting increased, alternative way out is needed to be developed (Michalski). The only transport way that links Lincolnshire and London is A1 or the Great North Road. The road is needed to be properly preserved so that the transportation can smoothly ply on. It is to be mentioned that the road, being the only option for opened for communication seems always severely congested. The alternative way out is very much mandatory to ferry the products to London or the nearby states (Belluz et al.).
A proper and frequent airways system, as pointed out by Grinsven et al., may be initiated which will let the Lettuce to be transported properly and with sharpness to the different destinations of UK. Moreover the rail like of the state is also needed to be developed very much. As the area is a low density of population, the railway transportation has been amended to be not profitable. Private companies are also needed to be approached in developing the transportation process. Proper planning for this very reason is very much needed (De Beer et al.).
For the other problem of packaging process, the firms are needed to be very active in installing the packaging machine which let the products to be well settled. By using the proper machinery the products can be properly preserved.