

在这本书里,利奥波德国王的幽灵,作者把焦点放在殖民地时代及其对社会和几个国家的影响,直到今天。此外,书中的证据清楚地表明:“虽然欧洲人已经忘记了利奥波德的刚果受害者,但是为了重建命运,如基于探险者的刚果回忆录,蒸汽船队长或军事人员,仍然存在广泛的原材料供应( Ellswood,213)。然而,这些作品中的每一部分都是从欧洲人本身的观点出发的。在中年,欧洲大陆没有一个人承认非洲是一个神秘的土地,还有我们在世界各地看到的传统福祉。但是,他们入侵土地后,就看到了各方面的好处,并分析了这些新系统中的漏洞可以提倡个人利益的方式。笔者明确指出,写这本书的一个原因是描述欧洲殖民时期如何深刻地塑造了我们生活的世界,进一步承认美欧方式通过支持非洲独裁者的方式来保护他们的投资自然如蒙博托,所以他进一步谈及新殖民主义。 “即使在利奥波德盗贼和继承人之后,只是把责任归咎于今天在殖民时代完全存在的非洲问题是错误的”(Ellswood,220)。大多数历史都是每个人征服或殖民的人。然而,从爱尔兰到韩国,通过殖民化的无辜国家仍然处于发展成为公平,繁荣和民主的世界。从这篇文章的角度来看,即使殖民时代使世界受到制约,充斥着不公正的措施,但历史也显示了我们今天看到的时间和世界的变化。大多数国家不是因为发达国家而受到损害,而是因为发展中国家的劣势战略理解,大部分资源和资本要求不足。


In the book, King Leopold’s Ghost, the author has focused on the colonial times and its impact over the society and several nations till today. Furthermore, the evidence in the book clearly states that “even though Europeans have forgotten the Leopold’s Congo victims, there exists a vast raw material supply for working won reconstruction of fate such as explorers based Congo memoirs, captains of steam boats or military people” (Ellswood, 213). However, each of these pieces of writings is from the perspective of Europeans itself. In the middle years, no one in the European continent was in a state to acknowledge whether Africa is a mysterious land or it has the traditional well-beings that we see in the society everywhere. However, upon their invasion in the lands, they saw various perspectives to their benefits and also analyzed the way in which the loop holes in these new systems can be advocated for his personal benefits. The author clearly stated that one reason for writing the book was to depict how European colonial times in a profound manner shaped the world wherein we live and further acknowledging the way in which U.S and Europe tried to protect their investing through support of African dictators of rapacious nature such as Mobutu and therefore he further spoke on neo-colonialism as well. “Even after the Leopold thievery and the successor’s it was wrong to only put blames on the African problems existing today completely on colonial era” (Ellswood, 220). Most of the history constitutes of individuals who conquered or colonized every one. Still, ranging from Ireland to South Korea, nations that were ruthless ones through colonization have managed nonetheless to develop into reasonably fair, prospering and democratic worlds. From the perspective of this article, it becomes evident that even though the colonial times made the world restricted and filled with unjust measures but still history has evidently described the change in time and the world as we see today. Most nations suffer not because of developed nations but because of the developing nation’s inferior strategic understanding and most of all the inadequate resource and capital requirements.